View Full Version : blood pressure

03-07-2012, 11:19 AM
are blood pressure cuffs designed to up your heart rate or is that just my anxiety that is doing that? i dont know why but i just cannot get calm and my resting heart rate is always doubling when i take my blood pressure! i think i must be getting false readings , usually 140s/70s because my pulse is about double when i am calm, am i right in thinking this? thanks

03-07-2012, 04:38 PM
if taking your BP increases your heart rate then it will increase your BP.

140s/70s would NOT BE HYPERTENSION by most standards. My guess is your syatolic has been pushed up because of the heart rate increase.

Take your BP no more than 3 times/day at the same time each day for 7-9 days, record data and take to your MD,

03-08-2012, 09:44 AM
its no use i only have to put the cuff round my arm and i can feel my heart racing! im just not going to bother with it, wish i could just take the thing back to the shop!

03-08-2012, 07:51 PM
It's most likely anxiety. My BP has been high because of mine.

03-10-2012, 10:18 AM
It's most likely anxiety. My BP has been high because of mine.

yeah like i am pretty sure it is only going up because like my heart rate is going up due to my fear / anxiety of the blood pressure machine?? i dont know why i get so worked up about it , its almost like im scared of it being high. but i kind of reassure myself that my heart rate is like doubling from rest rate so it must be puttin my bp up aswell and when i am back to rsting surely my bp will come down aswell.