View Full Version : Hey... I'm new

01-01-2007, 10:07 PM
Hi guys... I'm new here but not new to anxiety I guess, however this is the 1st time that I've been able to actual admit that maybe i do have anxiety.

A little about me

Im 22, live in Toronto and am going to University. Basically, as long as I can remember, I have always been the one who "worries" A LOT more then others and usually about things that really shouldn't even cross my mind. Over tha past month or so I've been feeling horrible everyday. Wether it's been severe headaches, random muscle pains or just stressing out like crazy over nothing. Also, I havent been able to sleep for more then maybe 4 hours at a time and even though I have been napping a bit trying to make up for it I am fatigued EVERY day... and it's gotten to the point that I can hardly muster up the energy to go to the store for groceries. Then in the last two weeks I've been having what I thought were heart problems. I ended up in the hospital a couple weeks ago b/c I thought that I was actually having a heart attack... which would be weird given that I'm only 22 and in fairly good shape. Even so, I called my Dr that night and he said I should get to the hospital just incase. I basically was having chest pains, my chest felt VERY tight and I felt like I was choking. So, off I went. There they took some blood and checked for high cholesterol and all that fun stuf, did a chest x-ray and cardiogram. Turns out my heart was A-ok and Dr couldn't find anything else wrong with me. So he told me to go see my reg Dr and talk to him about it b/c he thought it could be general anxiety. Well given that its the holidays and my Dr is on vacation I just gave him a call to talk for a bit (my gramma used to be this guys nurse so he's known me since I was born so I just left him a message at the office and he called me from his home) and he feels that its a good chance that it could be anxiety. And being kinda stubborn I didn't think that I could have any kind of disorder... however after spending the last week doing some research on it, I am starting to think that perhaps thats the case.. it would explain A LOT of things...

WOW.... sorry I rambled on there :shock: ... just thought I'd share my little background... Anyway... here I am ... the newbie here... so HI :D

~ Jen

01-02-2007, 07:16 PM
Hello, im Sheila May im 20 , im new also.. im a sufferer from Anxiety for over a year now.. :( but it does make me feel good that im not the only one who is suffering,,
i dont know if anyone else feels this way,.but when i get an attack i feel like im going to die.. im so afraid of death, and it feels as tho its gonna happen anytime.
I DO have a Question.....
Last month i was driving with my friend ( iwas a passanger of corse)
and he went down a road that didnt have alout of cars and was turning to the country side.. i started Bawling begging him not to drive down the road,,,, i was so scard i felt like i was in a nightmare ,,
Has somthin like this happend to anyone??
im jsut starting to feel like im going krazy


01-05-2007, 05:53 AM
Your not going crazy. It's just anxiety, spend time looking through this forum and you will see you are not alone.


01-06-2007, 09:31 AM
I also don't sleep much I went from 8-12 hours to 3 or 4. Anxiety is not my friend. Anxiety is tricky. I can go to my mother-in-laws house for the holidays, but after a few days my body says "time to go home." I start having panic attacks if we stay there too long. Panic attacks aren't controlable they just come suddenly without me knowing the direct cause sometimes.

:lol: Nice to meet you.

01-06-2007, 02:44 PM
Once I left a 10 day holiday and travelled (drove towing a caravan) 9 hrs home after two days because I thought I was sick I got home and felt fine immidiatly. I hate Anxiety.


01-13-2007, 11:31 PM
Stubborn? Bullheaded? Surely not. It's hard to admit to yourself that anxiety is an isuue. After all, who isn't anxious? Migraines and chest chest pains are what I end up with when I get anxious. Which is almost all the time. So I understand. Trying to figure out how this web site works is giving me a headache. I'm not completely computer stupid but I could use some work on it.

01-14-2007, 03:49 AM
You managed this post O.K. :D. Just look in the different rooms read the posts and reply. If you have a question of your own click the new topic button and fill the box in.


01-18-2007, 06:46 PM
Hi Jen:

I found your post interesting. I think I may have anxiety as well. I had a very stressful year and am always been a type A personality but I think that I may have put out too many fires in the last year and burned myself out.. I am normally very cool and if there is someone needing help (friend or family), I am normally the one they come to... now I feel as though I am falling apart and no one really understands... I am also very surprised that I could suffer from anxiety because I believe in relaxation and being calm... I fight like the dickens against my feelings.. but I am starting to feel uncomfortable during a lunch with someone close or in a shopping mall... weird stuff... I talk myself into calmness... and I will do my best to not ever let the anxiety dictate where I will or will not go... because I love to travel, go to movies and just plain have fun... so the fight continues....

I am however, going to see my doctor and find out if she thinks medication will help..

Anyone think I am suffering from anxiety? I suffer a lot from unexplained lightheadness and fatigue.... mostly in the afternoon....


01-19-2007, 03:04 AM
Yep, people like us tend to be the guys people come to with problems, It's part of the anxiety personality traits. Such as Perfectionists, Catastrophisers, Secret Worriers, Usually Highly Intelligent and Hard Workers. The problem is we tend to overwork ourseleves as we dont know how to relax... Hopefully the doc will help.

Good Luck


P.S. Stay Cool 8)