View Full Version : Tips to concentrate when you have anxiety?

03-06-2012, 10:11 AM
One of the symptoms I experience is difficulty, verging on inability, to concentrate.

Since I started medication most of my acute symptoms have decreased, but, in some ways, that has only made the less dramatic symptoms more obvious.

At work, I have a to-do list that's miles long and haven't been effective at getting things done for several months. I worry about losing my job.

Does anyone have any tips, experiences, or, techniques, medications they recommend for trouble concentrating?

03-06-2012, 10:22 AM
Is your med a sedating one Ian?

03-06-2012, 11:29 AM
I do have some sedating medications. The Ativan is and I'm also on Ambien for the insomnia. However, I don't take the Ativan often (only when I have more acute symptoms for 30 mins or more) and I don't think the problem has been affected at all by starting Ambien. I've only been taking it about a month and I don't feel particularly different during the day than before. Less sleepy, but still emotionally and mentally worn out.

When I try to do things I feel a sort of resistance to focusing on them. When I am able to focus, it's usually only for a few moments. I'll start to do something and then realize I worked on it for a few minutes before skipping to 6 other tasks or distractions and that I still haven't accomplished anything.

I think my inability to focus often coincides with disassociation.