View Full Version : Whole Body Aches :( Input please.

03-06-2012, 08:32 AM
Well went to the general practitioner and told her everything about my extreme fear of getting serotonin syndrome by taking 1 days of CElexa with Wellbutrin. She told me that I just need to stop the Celexa because I am just too nervous about it. So the Celexa is done with. I feel a bit relieved but still freaked out about the syndrome. My whole body aches. I feel like hell. Is this all due to the stressful constant anxiety week I have had. It hurts to walk/move. Ugh. :( I dont have a fever and my BP is fine so I'm starting to think that all these physical symptoms are my body being exhausted from the anxiety. So dizzy too. Making me nervous. I'm going to go to school today for the first time in over a week. Very nervous about that. Might run by the school nurse before I go into class just to get my temp taken. Had to take an ativan last night just to sleep and calm down.(but I did sleep)nI think I'm just wearing my body down.

03-06-2012, 11:55 AM
hiya. i am pleased to see that you are finally accepting that anxiety has alot to do with the way you have been feeling lately.
it sounds as though you have not only mentally drained yourself, but also physically!
the dizziness is also a symptom of anxiety, so don't focus on that too much.
it's really good that you are going to school again too! :)
stop worrying about your BP. you are fine and dandy :) xx

03-06-2012, 04:30 PM
I unfortunately turned around mid way to school.... :( I did go to the counselor today. Nervous again though. Vicious cycle.

03-06-2012, 04:45 PM
Anxiety made me feel like this too. Ironically, when I started Celexa as well haha. I was just so terribly nervous about taking it though. It made my anxiety so high it felt like my head would burst. Such pulsating pressure, that made my eyes water and feel like popping. Veins stood out... nasty stuff right? For 3 days, I slept any moment I could, and just stayed in bed the whole time. I lasted about 6 days, on 10mg and couldn't continue. I couldn't get passed the medication worry. It was a really really rough time.

Gave me terrible aches and pains too. I couldn't walk that well, I ached immensley when moving my head, neck or shoulders. I felt like I'd been beaten up. I had 1,125 aches and pains. :)

There are other meds that have no SS risk, if you're looking to try other stuff, or maybe you want to stick for a bit, and find some natural ways of lowering your nervous system stress levels.

Keep hanging in there :)

03-06-2012, 07:27 PM
You lasted longer than me; it took me only 1 day and I was done. Trying to find a new psychiatrist. Wanting to get off Wellbutrin and get on something like Zoloft. Are you on anything now? I am now going to go to a Psychologist once a week(it's free because I got to school) and try to get on another med. My anxiety and OCD are out of control. Celexa is the devil.

03-07-2012, 05:17 AM
Celexa was really rough. My OCD was settling down, and just one night on that drug, and BOOM, it blew the whole can open again, and took me years and years to clear up. From one tablet! I took a 20mg dose, and had such a bad panic attack, I was shaking and dizzy and throwing up for days. I had all these horrible horrible thoughts. I only took one. This was a Friday, on Monday I went back to my doctor, and they halved dose to 10mg, and it wasn't as bad, but I ached so bad I could barely move. Yet I still couldn't stop pacing round the house, in fear. After that I just stopped it. No more.

I had to try Remeron in the end. No S.Syndrome, and it calms you down like a benzo. It was effective for me, but I was always tired. But it held my mind together, while I worked on fixing things ya know? I came off it in quite a short time really. Hopefully you'll find something to calm things down a bit, while you can work through them.

03-07-2012, 06:34 AM
I get the body aches and weakness too. For the first week I was on Paxil I rarely left the house. I had to force myself to go on walks. My main side effect was nausea, though. Didn't eat much for that time. After about 8-9 days on Paxil things started improving, though. I'm eating and sleeping more, although I still feel pretty run down and get exhausted by the early evening. My advice is to try to eat and get a little exercise every day. Also, write down some goals you have, like things you want to accomplish and overcome every day, and mark your progress/what gets in the way. I find that is helping me a lot.