View Full Version : Set back

03-05-2012, 10:41 PM

I was hoping to get some advice on how to deal with setbacks. A few weeks ago I was starting to make progress in my battle with anxiety. I even went out of town for the weekend with some women from church for a church retreat. I initially did not want to go because I didn't want to deal with my anxiety while I was gone away from home. But I went anyway and ended up having a great time. I didn't have any anxiety, I actually forgot about it. When I came home I was feeling pretty good. I thought that all the struggles I was having were past me. All last week I felt that I was back to normal. I wasn't even thinking about my anxiety/panic. But this last weekend I must have had a negative thought because I started to worry about it again and since then I have been anxious and worried about having a panic attack. I am hoping this is just a setback because I know I can feel better because last week I was doing very well. How do you deal with setbacks so that you don't get too discouraged again?