View Full Version : will it ever end

03-05-2012, 05:06 PM
hi all hope someone has some light to shed on this or even better. has felt the same. ill start at the start sorry if this is long winded. it started four years ago when my cousin died at 38 from a heart attack it really. affected me. i always had a back problem that caused chest pain but it never bothered me. after this everything just went out of control my symptoms were worse id lie in bed frozen in terror listening. to my heart beat. counting them checking my pulse etc. can only sleep with the tv on at nite stops me listening to my heart. i was in hospital numerous times at this stage I've had every test. done and nothing would. come up fine. in the 2years after that both my granny and mother died of cancer and needless ta say that was another untold amount of stress on my so my symptoms got worse i have at times i thithe house on my own encased something happens ta me. drinkingnk Im going to pass out feel sick i cant breath. at the moment the worst is going ta bed i feel like i cant breath and cant sleep now i feel uneasy coming up to bed time encase it happens and i have a blown panic attack. i hate to be in the house alone incase. something happens to me.drinking makes it worse on my Sat nite out with friends on a Sat nite. i pay double on the Sunday nite with terrible nite of no sleep and terror. i dont know what ta do. I've done thearpy my doc says it ill pass go walking she just doesn't understand . thanks for listening

03-06-2012, 06:51 AM
See another doc. All the events you spoke of effected you and although you may get better in time if your having that much trouble you should seen another doc for some relief from these symptoms. Sure sounds like anxiety. Alankay.

03-06-2012, 12:37 PM
It can end. Especially if there's a precipitating event. But once you get into an anxiety spiral, I think, it's hard to break out of it.

Maybe you can go see a psychologist or a different doctor who won't be so dismissive. I don't mean to be judgmental, but saying "it will pass, go take a walk" strikes me as really awful. Even doctors are affected by prejudices, confirmation bias, and problems with empathy. Your regular doctor may not be very good at dealing with these sorts of things for one reason or another.

I had a few doctors who weren't very helpful. I also wasn't very assertive with them, because their responses made me uncomfortable. Keep shopping around, until you find someone you can work with.