View Full Version : A setback today

03-05-2012, 11:46 AM
Woke up this morning with a lot of anxiety about going in to work. The anxiety won, I called in sick. This is getting ridiculous. I wish I could just be a "normal" person and just get up, go to work and that's it. I know I have to go in tomorrow or face losing my job. Do I talk to my boss about my anxiety? I dunno. It's just a vicious cycle...one day I'm alright and positive, then I wonder why I'm in high spirits and I bring myself down. UGH so frustrating. Sorry, I just had to vent.

03-05-2012, 12:05 PM
hiya. i definitely think a talk with the boss is needed! i'm sure the boss will be more understanding than you think. anxiety is very common. so i'm sure you won't be the first and certainly won't be the last!
don't get too caught up on this. try not to think too much about it (easier said than done, i know). just force yourself to go in tomorrow and talk to the boss. that in itself will probably make you feel ten times better :)
i hope you get it sorted soon x

03-05-2012, 12:27 PM
I agree. I've been in my job for 15 years and I've had more days off in the last 3 weeks than I've had in all those years put together. I'm never sick so my work knew something was going on. Luckily I have a wonderful, understanding boss who has been very patient. Like you, I have good days and not so good - but my goods days are getting better. Anxious is right - force yourself to go in. I know that feeling of waking up and just wanting to hideaway but it does you no good. Keeping busy is the best medicine - and yes, it is easier said than done but you know it makes sense. Hope you're feeling better. xx