View Full Version : Get rid of all your panic attacks fears and phobias, or atlest become much better

03-04-2012, 01:44 PM
I just want to say that im proud to say that I conquered my last fear, to eat publicly. No more fears no more phobias no more panic attacks

Chapter One


There is so much hype and bullshit surrounding anxeity, people calling it a illness sickness etc. It's NOT, ITS A BEHAVIORAL CONIDITON. the answer to living a less anxious life and reaching zero panic attacks was staring in my face all the time, and its probably staring you the reader, in your face right now. I promise you when you are done reading this you will get something good out of this, probably when your done you will get a better understanding, I put my time and effort into this and all I ask in return is to read the whole of it. I dont desire any money like most of the panic packages, and ive read almost everyone there is out there. And I have to break it to you most of them are bullshit, they all have their pointers and trade mark secrets, but 60% of them are bullshit.

Iv'e made this text for those who are on the very HIGH end of anxiety, those who can't even step out of their own apartments, ive been there, for 1 and a half year I went out of my house 1 time. _1_ time. Nice life huh? yeah... didin't think so. I put all my frustration together and made a vow to NEVER EVER fall victim to my anxeity, because a victim is what I was, my anxeity was dictating my life. I missed out on so much, this is time I will never get back. Even during my way to becoming better I missed out on so much. But not to worry i've been there, and im here to prevent you from loosing anymore time, the cold hearted truth is that you dont live forever.

What is a panic attack?

When I lost what I call panic attack google search virginity( you all have been there or soon will be there) I got frigtened. I would read stuff like "panic attack is a serious condition that 75 people of 100 experience" and I would see pictures of people being calmed down by other people. And I would read stuff about people having chest pains. About right here I stopped reading because I knew it would only frighten me more. Who wants to read about chest pains? chest pain sounds intence, like you have a heart condition or something like that, atleast to me.

Later on I got my very first anxeity package from a very good friend of mine, there I read that its a sudden oncet of fear that often starts abruptly and subsides within the next of several hours. Now a panic attack that lasts several hours sounds weird to me but it has actually happened to me. Not that I was in full on panic mode for several hours but that my heart was racing more than normal and I got several bursts of fear from time to time during several hours.

Here I actually dont want to go more indepth than this, you dont have to know more than this. this is it, you dont have to know that you pupils dialates and that that's why you become more sensetive to light during a panic attack. All that stuff is trivial, I didin't make this for the panic attack information junkies. Yes that is a term I created and for most people it's actually true, they go above and beyond to every piece of information that they can get their hands on, in hope that its going to help them.

How to defuse a panic attack at home?

Home, your safe-zone. Here is where you read,eat,sleep,relax. Home doesnt have to be your safe-zone for people staying at an office almost 47 hours a week, the office or your working place can be your safe-zone. But lets assume your home is it. If you have lived with G.A.D and panic attacks for a long time, 7m+ or even 2 years you have developed routines and stuff to do during panic attacks, it can be anything from putting on a good movie and really focusing hard on it, until your panic goes away, or hiding under the blanket, or walking around in circles, whatever.

What you have to do is simple, go get some water to drink, or some tea, take a deep breath, a correct breath, not a breath coming from the chest area. a breath that expands your whole stomach. Look around youself focus on different objects for a few seconds. And now here comes the most inportant step "The Combo Breaker" to continue doing what you where up to before the panic attack. Yes it's that simple, just to continue doing whatever you where doing, the panic attack will last from 5-25 min or even half an hour no matter what you will do so why get caught up in it? why give it any credibilty at all? I will go more indepth on how to truely not care about it later on but for now this is the basics, the fundamentality of it all.

How to defuse a panic attack everywhere els

Defusing a panic attack everywhere els than home is different, home is your safe-zone. You live sleep and eat there, when you have had panic attack for months years you develop routines at home stuff to do etc, but outside your miles or many many kilomiters away from the safety of your home. And its usually here where it gets really ugly.

Usually here in any anxeity pack they tell you that when panic envelops you have to ask for more or taunt the anxeity or breathe into a bag or some any kind of bullshit, to me its bullshit beacuse ive tryed it and it doesnt work and breathing into a bag looks really stupid.Because when real fear envelops you when you feel RAW TERROR, and your heart is racing so fast you feel your heartbeat coming from your ears thinking straight is hard, and it often fails.

What you do during this moment, the moment when it seems like time stops, and every sound around you becomes muffled.Stop walking or whatever your doing for just a few seconds take a deep breath look around yourself or snap your fingers infront of your face or hit yourself on the your thie, this may all sound very wierd but eccensially what you have to do is to distract yourself for just a few _seconds_ during peak of the panic attack then continue to do whatever you where doing like usual. If there is water handy drink a cup or two, but then its important to continue with your life, do not waist anymore time on something as trivial as a panic attack.

This means even if your trembeling alot, visibly, and you feel like your out of breath almost like your suffocating you just have to continue doing whatever you were doing (obviously if your running a marathon you should take a break, but i really hope your catching my drift by now)

No matter what you do the panic attack will have its course and it can last for 5 minutes or 25 or even half an hour, but once its started and you have reached as far as the "peak" it can only go down and _it_ will only go downawards from here and instead of hiding or whatever you do until it's gone you can just continue as normal. And the faster you stop worrying and continue as normal the faster it will go away.

Ive had loads of panic attacks and they may feel horrific like you want to run away or sometimes you feel so much RAW NAKED TERROR that you cant even run, you standing still on the spot panicking. When you feel this you just have to forcibly move your leggs and start walking, I always assume that you have to start walking because i used to have this issue when going somewhere, note "used to" past tence.

03-04-2012, 01:45 PM
Generalized Anxeity Disorder aka GAD


Now were getting somewhere, I used to be a GAD information junkie. I spent hours and hours on researching about everything that had to do with GAD, because this was my biggest issue. I like to describe GAD as the hell in-between panic attacks. panic attacks comes suddenly from out of nowhere and then gets defused and you walk on with your life. But GAD is with your during the panic attack, before the panic attack, and after the panic attack. Only during the panic attack its overshadowed by the intensity of the panic attack, and that it can be overshadowed sais something. It's with you everywhere but it can be forgotten?? During a movie or a funny moment, you forget and then you conciously think oh its gone, and then its back again. Ive done this a thousand times.

What is Generalized Anxeity Disorder?

GAD is excessive uncontrollable worry everyday things. like health, death, money, family, problems, friends, work difficoulties. Now this also brings symptoms with it, symptoms like: fatigue, Intence or mild headaches, nausea, numbness in hands and feet, muscle tension, muscle aches, difficulty swallowing(had alot of problems with this one), bouts of difficulty breathing, difficulty concentrating, trembling, twitching, irritability, agitation, sweating, restlessness, insomnia, hot flashes, and rashes and inability to fully control the anxiety.

Now usually in every panic package they give you a full compleetle list of all possible symptoms and give a detailed description on all of them. Reading that will not help you a single bit. What you _need_ to know and I put emphasis on need, is that all the symptoms you can possibly get are compleetly harmless.

And here's the combo breaker yet again. If they are completly harmless why are they bothering me 24/7, and they may feel horrific ive been there, you may feel like ur suffocating from the moment you wake up to when you go bed. Or you might have 12 symptoms simultaniously from the moment you wake up to when you go bed.

Truth be told their only bothering you because you pay them credibilty, because you continue to worry about trivial stuff, and because you keep worrying about the symptoms. Worrying about something will NEVER make it better.

To even further clarify this, the symptoms are _signals_ sent out by the anxious brain, sensations caused by the brain. Not SYMPTOMS, and this is important to understand, these are PURELY SENSATIONS. and therfore they CANNOT cause you any harm. just ingore them, they will not harm you, no one has ever died from these symptoms

So whenever you feel tight around the throat or having a anxeity headache just ignore it sometimes it will go away after an half an hour or sometimes it takes weeks but just keep ignoring them and pay them 0 credibility and they will eventually go away.

Chapter two

In the whole of chapter one ive given out some thoughts some tools,tips and tricks. Chapter two will cover how to actually get better. and some do's and dont's.

Step one

Step one to actually become better is to conciously realize that panic attacks, generalized anxeity disorder is nothing to fear, you truely have to not FEAR a panic attack, if you one day have a panic attack and start laughing in the middle of it then you are well on your way to truely not care anymore. To reach this point I think you must have had alot of panic attacks, to just dont give a fuck anymore(excuse my language). And if your reading this you probably been here.

To truely open to your panic attack and embrace it, this is happening to you, there is no shame in it, tell all your friends, tell your parrents, "I have panic attacks, and its okay" It really is okay, there is zero shame in it. And it actually affects more people than you think. your not alone and you never will be, you can only become as alone as you want to be. If you dont reach out to anyone and just enclose yourself like I did you will become buried under anxeity/shame/deppression.

You have to logically tell yourself, yes im at university, yes im at the mall, yes im at the bar. but that didin't make me anxious in the past, so why should I be anxious now? Logic/reason tells me I shouldn't be anxious.

Step two

Step one was to conciously start to deal with this problem, and step two is the follow up. to subconciously start to deal with this problem. Now this is hard, just because you dont fear anxeity and panic attacks it doesnt make them go away, it just makes it easier to deal with them, I mean if you laughing during a panic attack it breaks the effect, but the panic attack still happned.

Now you can't logically tell your subconcious to do stuff, it doesnt work like that. You can only change your subconcious through behaviour. Bummer isin't it, if only you could conciously stop having panic attacks and daily anxeity, life would be easier wouldnt it?

As scary as it might be there you just have to go out do stuff you feel anxious about. Now if you take baby steps this will take forever, and that is the truth. Instead of just starting with being on your front yard or going down to the corner shop go somewhere where you are truely frightened for example take the train to the mall,and go into any store and start browsing. Now you havent been out of your house for ages and your inside the store, the whole way to the store you have felt RAW NAKED TEROR, yet like the warrior you are you keep pushing walking forcefully to the store, inside the store you feel like you want to run away. DONT. Stay put, let fear go through your body look around yourself focus on different objects take a deep breath, a belly-breath. and then simply stop paying the panic attack any attention and keep browsing like normal, maybe ask the clerk some random questions read some labels or something just continue to stay there intil you, yourself want to go do something different, not because the anxeity is dictating you.

You just have to keep doing stuff that you feel anxious about the more anxious you feel about something the better, go do it. The most effective therapy in the _world_ is congnotive _behavioral_ therapy.

There is something in our brains which is called the emygdala. It is that which regulates the base level of anxeity in our bodies, and the emygdala can only be changed through bahaviour. if you act like a non anxious person, you will become a non anxious person. Not over night obviously but over time, yes.It can only changes through behaviour. It cannot be changed by talking to psychiatrist or listening to relaxation tapes or taking medication. ITS NOT THE SAME, it just isin't. It changes depending on how you move through life. Everyone who has gotten rid of anxeity or panic attacks, with or without help as gone this way subonciously or by a professional telling them.

Chapter Three

here I will cover my thought about medication These are strictly my thoughts.

Medication & doctors.

I've only tried SSRI medication once, and that was the one time during the 1 and a half year that I didin't go out, I went to a doctor told her about my problem I told her the truth about how I was feeling and everything. She gave me perscription on oxazepam very mild anxeity reducing pill. I took the pills and they helped me alot with the GAD symptoms, but I felt that this was the cowards way out and that I didin't want to take it so I never touched any medicine after that. but the medicine did actually do wonders for me, before taking it I was outside 1 time in and and a half year, taking it was my first step I started going out closeby, in close malls to buy stuff I needed etc. and I only took it for about a week or so. So I actually recommend taking light anxeity stimulants if your at the super high end.

Ive been at every specialist there is, for eyes,ears,heart,lungs, for problems I thought I had, before knowing they all was anxeity related. All my doctors told me there is nothing wrong with me. I thought they where lying to me. But they were all speaking the truth. I wasn't ill, anxeity is not an illness, everything I felt constant headaches bla bla all those symptoms are purely sensations sent out by the anxious brain that's why they didin't show up on any tests. So don't even bother going to the doctor, after a while with anxeity you will know deep down if an issue your having is anxeity related or a real symptom that something bad. Iv'e even had a camera upp my bottom to see if there was something wrong with my stomach because I had constant stomach-pain, but there wasn't.
It was yet again another waist of time and effort, and shortly after the doctor told me that I was okay, the pain subsided. Because I subconciously realized that I was okay.

I will write how to deal with phobias and such later, I have been typing constantly for more than 4 hours now, and I just cant seem to be bothered to go through the text for any errors or misspellings, I truly hope you get something out of this and good luck.

03-04-2012, 01:48 PM
I forgot to cover the do's and dont's but I will cover that later and include it with fears and phobias post.

03-04-2012, 02:04 PM
This is a great read (so far). Thank you! Looking forward to more.

03-04-2012, 07:39 PM
your so right about the anxiety packages and websites that you pay for are definately BULLSHIT lol looking forward to reading more.. :-)