View Full Version : Am I making a dumb decision?

03-03-2012, 04:59 PM
Well I dont want to take the Celexa. I am just too nervous about it. Is that a bad idea? I plan to go to counseling and work on coping skills and up my wellbutrin. I've been having HCP for the last couple of days bc of nervousness. Will it hurt my health by not taking the celexa? Ugh I feel yucky now....

03-04-2012, 06:32 AM
I think the only problem with Wellburtin is that it doesn't do anything to treat panic attacks, and might actually make them worse sometimes (Wikipedia-ing again, so don't take my word for it). Celexa is recommended for both generalized anxiety and panic disorder, so it might be better overall. But you'd have to give it 4-6 weeks to be sure, and the first few weeks could include increased anxiety as a side effect. It's tough to work through that. You should talk to your doctor and counselor about it. My counselor is pretty knowledgeable about meds, and they can make suggestions to your doctor for prescriptions.

03-04-2012, 07:30 AM
I agree with green 100%. If you are really concerned with side effects, ask the doc to start you at 10mg for a week or two then go to 20mg(or whatever dose was Rx'ed). I time the celexa(I was on it and am on lexapro, it' brother) will help. While I don't know if it will hurt your health not to take, it I do feel you will be missing out on it benefits for you. Listen to you doctor, not as many of us do, our fears. Alankay

03-04-2012, 08:51 AM
Last night was horrid. Didn;t take the celexa, but woke up throughout the night in cold sweats. Still sweating. I'm sure this is all anxiety, but I feel horrid. I'm just scred of the combo of the two drugs. I'm paranoid of serotonin syndrome. I have called tons of pharmacists and although some said it was ok to take both a few said it wasn;t.(which sent me into a HUGE panic attack) My BP is up. I am constantly nervous and haven;t calmed down in over a week. :(

03-04-2012, 09:39 AM
I have heard the two used at the same time before. Alankay