View Full Version : getting very irrational thoughts and anxiety, need help on how to cope

03-03-2012, 12:27 PM
hi i'm just getting the most ridiculous thoughts i don't know why. i worry that my girlfriend might not wear her ring when going out with her friends. i think this is because she hurt me in the past and now i'm worrying i might get hurt again. but i've never been like this, i've never had these stupid thoughts. i never really worry anything bad is going to happen, specially not something as ridiculous as this. she always wears the ring, i've never thought twice about it, but i'm acknowledging that i have a high level of anxiety and my thoughts are very irrational. please help with how i can start to feel better.

03-03-2012, 12:31 PM
hiya. i get like this alot - over everything! i get it so bad, i actually feel like im going to be physically sick lol. over stupid things too! i found the best tool to use is distraction. i tend to go for games. call of duty wins hands down everytime! i also know that when in that frame of mind, the thought of doing anything other than thinking about what is worrying you is near on impossible. you just have to break that barrier and do it! whatever you do, do not pussy foot about your irrational thinking as this will just feed it and help it get worse!

this board in itself is a great distraction for me! commenting on your post, is helping me. it's just good to know that i am not alone and helps cement into my head the fact that my worries are irrational!

03-03-2012, 12:38 PM
distraction is great. this forum is great. people helping each other. we all can identify with each other.

03-03-2012, 12:40 PM
thanks, yeah these thoughts are just so ridiculous. i know one day i'm going to laugh about them, but right now they feel so real and i feel like asking her "hey do you wear the ring everywhere?"..but thats feeding the problem more and is just a ridiculous statement that shows lack of trust. I guess part of it is fully letting go of being hurt in the past. i dont know. any other opinions?

03-03-2012, 12:43 PM
sounds like she needs to earn that trust back. i really wouldnt bring it up because it would just fueling the fire. get your mind off of it anyway you can. meditation, deep breathing, listen to music, play a video game. pretty much anything that requires your full attention.