View Full Version : Don't want anxiety to control me anymore...(I'm only 15! =p)

12-28-2006, 10:15 AM
Hi, I'm 15 and a half years old, and I want my anxiety to STOP. This is a very long vent, so you don't have to bother reading all of it. xD

It all started in July when I went to a family member's birthday party in Baltimore. I hadn't had much to eat and it was really hot outside. In the restaurant, I started feeling dizzy and couldn't walk straight. I felt a little nauseous. After drinking orange juice, I felt much better. It turns out it was probably heat exhaustion or dehydration. I was fine for the rest of the day but still worried about it a little. The next day I was fine too. Then on Monday, when I got home, I started to worry severely. I thought my near-fainting was the sign of all kinds of rediculous things. I couldn't put my mind off it at all. For the next two months, I worried about it a LOT.

The next thing that started happening is that I felt claustrophobic and anxious in cars. I felt trapped whenever I was in them. It wasn't very bad(I still rode in them fine) but I felt worried.

I had my first panic attack out of the blue in a movie theatre. I had been thinking about my fainting episode from before and got so worried it would happen again. I was fine when I left the movie. Afterwards though, I was terrified to get my doctor's checkup incase there was something wrong with me.

In November, I finally did go to the doctor and I got an excellent report. But my anxiety started to change. I began feeling nervous not about my health, but other things. For example, my school had a lockdown drill and I was forced to be locked in a dark room with my classmates. Example two, my school had a power outage and I had a mini panic attack for no reason. Example three, my school had another power outage and I had a huge panic attack. I fekt dizzy and short of breath.

Now, I worry about stupid things that will never happen. I constantly have anxiety that makes me feel depressed sometimes. I can't get rid of it. I still have problems with cars, and had a panic attack while stuck in bad traffic at night. I feel trapped. And now, I have trouble going some places. I have to go to NYC this weekend, someplace I go to all the time, but for some reason I don't want to make the trip. I don't know what I'm afraid of.

I'n anxious also about every little pain or symptom I feel. I don't know why. I know I'm super-healthy and there's nothing wrong... I don't know why I have anxiety(and sometimes agoraphobia) now all of a sudden. I was fine earlier this year! I've decided to exercise and meditate more, and I bought a book on anxiety to help.

I'm glad to join this forum,


12-31-2006, 01:04 AM
Sami do not let anxiety and especially anxiety about your health rule your life. I was in a cbt group and it has helped me immensely. If you can join one I would highly recommend it. The first book we used in my group has a really good introduction to the whole process, it's called Been there, done that? do this! by sam obitz. The tea form exercise in that book has helped me a lot and I still do them all the time when I get upset or anxious. Best of luck to you and know that you can improve.

01-11-2007, 01:47 PM
Hi Sami I hope you are feeling better and my advice was helpful. Take care and have a happy new year in 2007 :D

01-11-2007, 02:47 PM
hi sammi. i'm 15 too (just turned in november). i've had this for a long time. and well, i'm just learning what it is and what i can do ot fix it. it was a good idea joing this. i'm really glad i did. when you get nervous, i do this breathign exercise that helps before i get an attack or when i think i'm getting one. if you wanna know just message me.

~Hope you feel better
