View Full Version : At early 30s 5 years of Xanax due to Weird Body Feelings - Have you experienced this?

03-03-2012, 08:47 AM

I would like to post my symptoms to check if anyone here as felt this or your opinion.
At the end of University, from one day to another I started to feel some diziness, like some over control of my body and that for instance my left arm was not mine lol. which brought me to small panic attack. Previously, during the Univ time (5 years) I had always study somehow hard and had a social life, with overdrinking in some nights, no more than once per month. I lost a little of confidence as well in an accident where I had a minor scar in my face.
I was told to have anxiety problems and somehow related minor depression as well.
I couldn't understand 5 years ago what was going on, and 2 mg xanax daily in the morning helped me to overcome the constant different way of feeling my body. I couldn't take anti-depressants.
I have practiced sports regularly, go out one per week (this is a problem: I drink in fact up to 60 cl of beer, I control the quantity, and it helps me to not feel the weird feels in my body and unstuck my head. at the end of the day probably the benzo effect is reduced), travel, the work is ok and so on.
Anyone of youfelt this and have overcomed this new feelings?
Is this just aging and I have to cope with it?
Sometimes I believe that in University I damaged my brain somehow with alcohol..
It's hard since I would like to work abroad.. but indeed

thanks in advance!

03-03-2012, 10:01 AM
Can you be more specific? Anxiety can cause many, many somatic(bodily) symptoms.
I doubt alcohol damaged your brain. Not from just the usual weekend beer partying, etc, at that age.
I think that since the half life of xanax is around 12 hours you should be OK with a 20 once beer in the evening as long as you pay attention to how it effects you. If you feel fine with a beer in the evening after having a 2mg dose of xanax in the AM, you should be OK. Just pay attention that's all and limit it to what you know you feel OK with.
I get tinglings in the arms at times but I have determined it came from driving with my elbow always on the elbow rest on my cars door. When I avoid constant pressure on that elbow by varying positions, it goes away. Think about what positions you sit in at work, while home watching TV, etc, and you might discover the cause of the tingling and clear it up by a change in positions, etc. PM me any time. Alankay.

03-04-2012, 12:01 AM
If you take 2 mg Xanax a day for 5 years you are addicted to Xanax. You shouldn't be drinking on them either. I suggest going to benzobuddies.org (I think.org) and getting help there.

03-13-2012, 05:01 AM

thanks for the reply you both. PanicCured I'll follow your advice.
alankay, at the moment and since I started, I always had some physical problems even with the drug: in the morning (after taking the dose) sometimes it feels hard for me to think or have a conversation. I've some times in a day that I feel more 'down', slow, with some kind of mental confusion. It's like a pendulum. Some Diziness and at the end of the day my head seems to be completely full. To overcome part of this I practice 3 to 4 times sport per week, since after it I feel sometimes a lot better.
Lately, with generic xanax xr, I've sometimes minor speech problems thinking about a word a telling another.
When I change the dose to 1.5 mg, everything is amplified, however there little times that I feel like oldself, but as the night comes I have to move to bed to handle the diziness.
Leaving it while working or in 2 weeks holidays seems to hard.
My psyquiatrist tells that I should first free my mind with the dose and then start to cut it down.

thanks in adav

03-13-2012, 01:26 PM
Cognitive problems are a benzo side effect, so weaning off the Xanax is definitely a good idea for those symptoms. Every time you lower the dose it will be hard, from what I understand of benzo withdrawals. Drugs like that should really only be recommended for usage up to 2 weeks, but doctors tend to prescribe them indefinitely.

03-14-2012, 02:26 AM
Xanax is one of the most addictive drugs on the planet due to it's incredibly short half life. The withdrawal can be wuite severe. At benzobuddies they will help you. I used them to get off of Klonopin. They helped give me the support I needed.

If you want to get off them, you will need to do something like lower the dose every 2 weeks for a long time. Maybe 6 months. There are pharmacies that will cut your doses for you with this special machine. I used a razor blade though. You reduce very very slightly. Enough to lower the dose, but not enough to cause withdrawal symptoms or at least very little symptoms. Then you get your brain stable for about 2 weeks. Then cut again. Then stable, then cut, etc. You do this until you get so so low of a dose that you can finally jump from. If you don't do this, you WILL just keep increasing your dose to stop the withdrawal symptoms.

Look, there is no pretty or easy way to do this. I am sorry you have to go through this. It is possibly going to suck major! You can do it and you will come out of it great! But you got to do the withdrawal properly. The Xanax hook is probably deep in you. 5 years everyday! Get advice from that site and let us know what they said and what you plan to do.

good luck!