View Full Version : I actually ate today!

03-02-2012, 09:33 PM
I ate two meals today and kept them down. First time in over a week!!! Lets hope I can continue to keep food down because I have lost a lot of weight. BTW I do not have an ED anymore; it's all anxiety.

03-03-2012, 06:00 AM
well done! i have been been fighting about this for years with the docs. they have me diagnosed with anorexia but i've never agreed with it! i don't have any anorexic symptoms. it never made sense. its pleasing to see that your so called ED was infact anxiety!!

03-03-2012, 03:56 PM
Keep eating and indulge in all your favorite foods! Well, unless your favorite foods are all deep-fried things hehe
Remember, a healthy diet = a healthy mind and body. If you want to be anxiety-free, don't consume too much caffeine (a cup of coffee a day is fine) avoid red bulls and other energy drinks because they make your heart beat really fast and will only increase your anxiety levels. I'm so glad to hear you've gotten your appetite back, keep eating well!
Take care! :)