View Full Version : Freaking out!

03-02-2012, 09:00 AM
Hi all, My name is Tray, I have been dealing with panic/anxiety/depression since I was 14, I am now 38. Today is a VERY bad day!

I have been having chest pain for a while, that feeling like I have to make myself breath, like I am not getting enough air, also, my ears are blocked, ringing...headaches..spots in my vision every now and then...I am terrified there is something wrong with my heart...or maybe I have cancer, or wait, maybe it's really high BP, maybe Ill pass out, maybe Ill need to get rushed to the ER.. Maybe I am just crazy...etc etc etc... My brain will not stop.

I had an ECG 6 months ago when having same symptoms, all was okay, gave me a benzo script prn and sent me on my way ... Had an MRI for headaches, all was fine.. full blood work up, all was fine..yet I still feel like I am going to die.

My 5 year old was diagnosed with Autism when he was 3, my 11 year old was just diagnosed with Aspergers, I am moving to Orlando next week..I dont want to go anywhere, I cant make friends, I rely on my husband, I compare myself to every other human being I run across..I worry what people think about me...

I am a fun loving person in here somewhere, I swear. I am not dumb, I am creative, I sculpt clay, but stopped that about 6 months ago as well.

I just took a tranxene with the hopes to calm down...but it will probably just make me sleep.

I have been to therapy, I know whats wrong, I know I am irrational, but why does this come back like Satan himself beating down my soul??

I need a break....

Thanks for listening!

03-02-2012, 09:25 AM
Tray, I used to take tranxene(clorazepate) and it was fine. A nice, effective, long acting med with a lower abuse potential. The upcoming move, recent Aspergers diagnoses may by causing your anxiety to peak. Factor all this in. Anxiety waxes and wanes with lives events/stresses. I am(or will be) just down the road in the Tampa area so you can PM for an e-mail address just for your to have. Just an offer.
Are you also on an SSRI? It would help and zoloft would be the first to try IHMO.
Although I'm a guy, no fear as I'm in a solid committed relationship but like helping others with anxiety as I've learned so much about it over the past 30+ years.
PM me anytime. Alankay.

03-02-2012, 10:20 AM
Thank You AlanKay..

I went to send you a PM, but was unable to since I just joined this forum today.

You can search Little Chirp Designs on Facebook to find my hobby/business page I have a contact form there. :)