View Full Version : Me dealing with daily anxeity ( Generalized anxeity disorder)

03-02-2012, 06:46 AM
Hello everyone :)

I was going to write a question but I ended up writing a tiny bit about my life story before the question if you just want to skip right to the question check the bottom of the page.

Il try to keep it as short as possible. I was having constant panic attacks when I in my early teens 11 , 12 , 13. At that time I didin't know what anxeity was I thought I was having heart problem, a brain tumor, tinitus , anything you name it. So I went do different doctors/specialists, they all said there was nothing wrong with me. So I started going to a childrens psychologist, trying to explain anxeity to someone that young is hard. Back then I had the most anxeity in my life, numbness dizzyness headaches stomach aches, daily. When I was 13 I was in my bed for like 3 months just watching tv. Anyway time passed I started being on the front yard, time passed. started going to school, time passed, started super intense daily workout, time passed. And soon I forgot all what anxeity was I became 15, 16, by then I was compleetly normal.

At 17 I dropped out of colleuge which in my country is second year. I started going to the gym and playing video games to pass time and I guess I got a little bit depressed, but nothing to worry about. then one day in the summer, I got a huge panic attack, and the rest of that summer my anxeity was going wild. I had fatigue,headaches, nausea, numbness in hands and feet, muscle tension, muscle aches, difficulty swallowing, bouts of difficulty breathing, difficulty concentrating, trembling, twitching, irritability, agitation, sweating, restlessness, insomnia, hot flashes, and rashes and a inability to fully control anxiety. I closed myself off from the world and Stayed indoor for a year just playing video games because when you are home you have to do something to pass time. I booked an apointment with a psychologist and went there once during a day when I felt good, then after that I was unable to ride the train because I would tremble anytime the traindoors would close. I started reading about anxeity panic attacks and started learning what it was and what causes it and I ordered a anxiety package called panic away, I guess learing what anxeity was changed everything little by little I started realizing that this is nothing to be afraid of. I started to exersice abit, first 10-15 mins a day then slowly went to 30 min then to an hour. At first it was hard because my g.a.d was through the roof, but as time passed it became less.

Anyway to further shorten the story. I one day took a big leap I started going to school, and note at this time even going to the store was hard. I figured im not going to live forever and I cant keep taking small leaps so I started studying going to school at first it was super hard but it became easier. And I stopped to fear panic attacks. Now I can succesfully defuse any panic attack, its kinda easy once you dont fear it. But It doesnt mean I dont get them anymore. The otherday I had a panic attack while out to get some burgers. I stopped walking as fear enveloped me and my breathing became tighter, I started laughing. the road was empty so it was okay. then I started walking again, I honestly started to enjoy feeling panic I know this sounds wierd but its because I've had a million panic attacks, and I dont feel like im my self without having one(this doesnt mean I have one everday but from time to time depends if my week has been stressfull) by the time I reached the shop my panic episode was over and life was normal. I had done all this by my self and by becoming better knowledged on anxeity, plus help from that anxeity package. In a sence I did cognotive behavioral therapy, just by my self by going to school and realizing that Its not dangerous, and I implemented that tactic with everything I was afraid of.


The question I want to ask is how do you cope with generalized anxeity disorder, its not the same as panic attacks. this I actually have problems with muscles tight around my throat chest my stomach tightens up, my feet feel numb etc, you know all the symptoms, the list is long. Honestly I dont fear them at all, I know these are signals sent out by the anxious brain and they are nothing to be afraid of and therefore you can ignore them.
I managed to ignore 90% of the symptoms and to my amazement they are gone headaches, and numb/cold feet is also easy to ingore, even anxeity related stomach aches. What I specificly have problem with is tightness around throat, during all my anxeity years I lost alot of weight, because im not eating proper because of this lump. At home im eating plenty, sometime more than plently but when im out in social situations or university or just with any friend out in a resturant I never order food, the few times I order food I get the sensation that im about to choke because, going places makes me nervous even stuff I daily do like going to university to study it leaves a lump in the throat, and during lunchbreaks that lump tightens up but I can continue to do stuff normaly like studying etc but eating is just really unpleasant, at home I have my tricks like drinking super hot tea which makes the throat muscles relax, I seem to have no control what-so-ever on this part of my body. I know a relaxation technique I learned from Charles Linden for the throat but it helps partly. If everything that is G.A.D is is anxious singals sent out from the brain, then the trick is making the brain less anxious, right?
I've tried to google this problem :) and I just get links how to fix panic attacks, I stopped taking panic attacks seriosuly long ago. I get nothing specific on how to become a less anxious person. I guess this involves working out, socializing, reading, taking warm baths, meditation, stuff like that?