View Full Version : This might just be hyprochondria but I'm terrfied I have serotonin syndrome :(

03-02-2012, 01:49 AM
Could that be way the Ativan didn't work. I couldn't stop shaking tonight and I wasn't even hyperventilating. Is that a panic attack still- extreme shaking w/o hyperventilation. As said in a previous post, I was given viibryd for 3 days combined with my wellbutrin. after freaking out for 3 days.(probably wasn't the med) the doctor took me off it. Could I be having serotonin syndrome or withdrawal? Really freaking out and I have a feeling I will be back at the ER tonight. I know that both these drugs work with serotonin so I was just wondering. I'm going to be so broke if I go to the ER.

03-02-2012, 05:16 AM
It sounds like it's probably not seratonin syndrome, but I'm not a doctor of course. Just Wikipedia-ing the drugs you're taking, Viibryd is only a partial agonist of one seratonin receptor and does not really affect other seratonin receptors. Wellburtin similarly does not do much to affect seratonin, it mostly affects norepinepherine and dopamine. Again, I have no medical expertise whatsoever, but I know that excessive shaking is an anxiety symptom and that these drugs don't affect seratonin levels all that much.

03-02-2012, 05:27 AM
It sounds like it's probably not seratonin syndrome, but I'm not a doctor of course. Just Wikipedia-ing the drugs you're taking, Viibryd is only a partial agonist of one seratonin receptor and does not really affect other seratonin receptors. Wellburtin similarly does not do much to affect seratonin, it mostly affects norepinepherine and dopamine. Again, I have no medical expertise whatsoever, but I know that excessive shaking is an anxiety symptom and that these drugs don't affect seratonin levels all that much.

Can they do a test for seratonin syndrome?

03-02-2012, 05:38 AM
According to Wikipedia there is no single test for seratonin syndrome. They would diagnose it based on the symptoms.

03-02-2012, 07:54 AM
Greenflies pretty much summed it up, Seretonin syndrome is more common with SSRI's, that just plough the brain with Serotonin. Other med's, especially the ones you're taking, work only partially on Seratonin receptors, and work on others including things like noradrenaline, or norepinepherine, so although anecdotally it's possible, it's far far rarer.

I think your body is just working out how to feel on the drugs you've given it. Drugs affect the body, and taken the Benzo with the AD, in the space of a few days has just made the anxiety sensation a little different to what you're used to. Anxiety needs to find a way to come out, and certain drugs can mask it a little bit, or push it back a little bit, but it still needs to come out through anxiety, tension, relaxation or a panic attack. When the drugs change it's complexion a little bit, it can become very unrecogniable, and cause different symptoms, but it's still anxiety.

As greenflies said, we aren't doctors, so we can only pass of info, and not diagnose. Maybe you could try something relaxing, and avoid a cycle of worry building up. If you spend the whole day working yourself up, you'll have accumulated a lot of extra stess by tonight. It's not always that easy though, I know. :)

Out of interst, how much does it cost, on average, everytime you visit the ER? I'm not too familiar with the US health service costs, but it'd be interesting to know.

03-02-2012, 12:38 PM
Truthfully, I have no clue. Last time I went to the ER before the panic attacks I was still on my mom's insurance so I never saw the bill. I would guess I will be getting lots of bills soon. I hope my insurance doesn't drop me.....
Well I will start celexa tomorrow with the wellbutrin and I will try not to be worried about SS.

03-02-2012, 01:02 PM

i think your biggest problem is that you are using google too much and your over active brain cant not process the information that it is seeing .

I wanna put this bit in Bold.

I say it a lot, I actually feel like a broken record at times (haha), but my anxiety must have halved once I stopped googling, researching symptoms and watching any kind of news or health program. The mind can't ever deal with what it has, if brand new fears come into the mix frequently. Think of an office worker. They have a pile of paperwork they want to get through, but as soon as they touch it, the boss puts a new lot of work on top of it. So all the worker ever does is complete this new work, never getting the chance to work on the original stuff. It's adding twice as much work onto your plate. It's unnecassary. Ok, so it's not a cure, but at least it stops adding new work to the pile. The amount of stuff I've talked myself into over the years, you wouldn't believe. :)

Maybe organize a trial period, where you make a strict promise to leave that stuff alone, to see how you feel? Hopefully those ER visits would reduce quite significantly :)