View Full Version : I feel awful

03-01-2012, 03:09 PM
Okay, so last year, while I was still at school, I had some stupid ideas in my mind. It wasn't anything as horrible as racism or homophobia, but still not good. Thankfully these stupid thoughts are long gone from my mind, but thinking back, I just feel like a bad person because of those ideas. They weren't really harming anyone, but still, I wish they had never entered my head for as long as they did. It was probably just immaturity on my part, since at sixteen years old, I'm still incredibly young. Maybe they aren't as bad as I think they are, it's probably just my anxiety, but still, how can I stop myself from feeling bad about this.

03-01-2012, 07:35 PM
Being a good person is more than just not having bad thoughts like you had, Okami1995. It's also about overcoming bad thoughts that may run through your mind.