View Full Version : Went to the emergency room yesterday

03-01-2012, 11:19 AM
yesterday i went to the ER. i was there for seven hours. when i first got in i had a horrible panic attack, i hate being near sick people i throws me over the edge. they gave me an ativan while i waited to be seen it worked pretty good. i was calm and not worried about a thing. then they put me in my own room. i had to explain my situation to 4 diff people. seems like no one understood and wanted to just drug me up.... then they transfered me to a psych ward via ambulance. atmidnight they gave me another ativan to calm me down.

i was in the psych ward for about three hours and talked to 3 differant people. i felt so alone. they left me in this room with just a bed. i felt like i was crazy. they gave me a script for this medicine that elimates nightmares and makes you drowsy. i dont know what its called but im hoping it helps with my sleep becasue im sooo incredibly tired. the nurse said that taking bebdryll with help with my anxiety so i have to take it 3 times during the day.

as i left the psych ward i felt a little bit anxious and just wanted to get in my bed and sleep. at this time it was 3 a.m. we were driving home and my hands started clenching so tight and it felt like my fingers were breaking. i couldnt get them apart. i couldnt talk or anything. i wass a differant person.... like a child. it was so scary i didnt know how to act. i couldnt speak and i thought they did something to me. they gave me some soda and i thought that they put something in it and it scared me half to death!!

03-01-2012, 11:47 AM
Aww MM, it sounds like a rough experience

How are you feeling today?

I had a very similar situation. Really similar. The whole ordeal of being in a hospital too, gave me the worst panic attack ever. It strips everything down to the bone, and it does become an almost child-like, animal state of pure fear. To me it felt like a complete collapse of my nerves. Well and truly. After some of my panic attacks, I would lie in bed for hours afterwards, unable to speak, or look at anybody. Sometimes for the whole night. Somebody would come and ask me if im ok, and I'd just shake and say nothing. A complete overload of fear.

03-01-2012, 01:20 PM
Miss, they might have gave you a med called Trazodone. It's an AD that helps with sleep, anxiety and bad dreams. Yes ativan will kill anxiety pretty quick, thansfully, but take the trazodone(if that's what they gave you) as prescribed. It should help with all. They cannot legally slip anything into your soda unless they told you it had medication in it but I am no lawyer...........just a guy who has anxiety, nows allot about it and tries to help others. I hope you're seeing a pdoc, GP or counselor for all your anxiety. Alankay

03-01-2012, 01:53 PM
Aww MM, it sounds like a rough experience

How are you feeling today?

I had a very similar situation. Really similar. The whole ordeal of being in a hospital too, gave me the worst panic attack ever. It strips everything down to the bone, and it does become an almost child-like, animal state of pure fear. To me it felt like a complete collapse of my nerves. Well and truly. After some of my panic attacks, I would lie in bed for hours afterwards, unable to speak, or look at anybody. Sometimes for the whole night. Somebody would come and ask me if im ok, and I'd just shake and say nothing. A complete overload of fear.

yea im better today but im just so tired from the whole ordeal. i hope you arent feeling all that anymore. its really tough to get through and im happy i have the support from the people on here. makes it a bit easier on me.

03-01-2012, 01:57 PM
Miss, they might have gave you a med called Trazodone. It's an AD that helps with sleep, anxiety and bad dreams. Yes ativan will kill anxiety pretty quick, thansfully, but take the trazodone(if that's what they gave you) as prescribed. It should help with all. They cannot legally slip anything into your soda unless they told you it had medication in it but I am no lawyer...........just a guy who has anxiety, nows allot about it and tries to help others. I hope you're seeing a pdoc, GP or counselor for all your anxiety. Alankay

it was an atavan that they gave me but i think i was so stressed oout about the whole thing that it just threw me oever the edge. i think thats why i freaked out so bad last night. in my head trying to justify why my hands were clenching and talking like a child, i came up with that they drugged me lol. i sad to my by in my paicked state "THEY DID SOMETHING TO MEEE" in a childs terrifyed voice.. very scary

03-02-2012, 01:26 PM
Nothing is worse than the hospital run around. I can't believe you got sent to a psyche ward for a panic attack. They just don't get it!

If you haven't already or even if you did, I really recommend reading my 2 sticky threads at the top.

The doctor to doctor ER to ER can lead to a downward spiral. You start just getting on this trip where you keep asking, "AM I OK?" and the more you ask the more you want to ask. For panic and anxiety it's completely unnecessary. It's a hamster wheel and the only way out is to jump off the wheel. Then doctors get you on meds and they work at first but then there is a price and then you are stuck on that wheel. That wheel is a real bad time!

One thing though, try not to feel like an idiot for going to the ER or be ashamed in any way. Your body was going through chemical reactions that feel like you're going to die, so it's understandable. I went to the ER more than I can count. I got past the panic and the ER has one more bed free now.