View Full Version : Phobia sufferers, can you help me out?

03-01-2012, 10:39 AM
Hello, I am an emetophobic (scared of vomit and vomiting). It is really interfereing with my life. I have been to all sorts of specialists and such, so professional help is already being tried. I was just wondering if anyone here would be so kind as to share their way of overcoming a phobia they had?
I have my methods to "cope" with this, but I want to be completely free and cured of it.

03-01-2012, 10:55 AM
Hi Rachie! I have emetophobia too! It SUCKS!!!! Ive had it my whole life and when i was about 17 i had CBT (which i guess is what you're having now) nd im pleased to say that it did work. For about 3 years i was free of it and it was amazing! But unfortunately, after a few years it slowly began to creep in and now im probably worse than i was before... I think if i'd gone back the minute i'd started to slip back in to my old ways then i'd probably have been able to keep on top of it but i didnt. Ive now just started having CBT again to try and get rid of it once and for all. Anyway, i just wanted to let you know that you're not alone in this one.... i also have a blog on my struggles with emetophobia if you wanted to take a look.... its at:
http : // emetophobia - struggles . blogspot . com (without the spaces obviously - it wont let me post a link!) If you ever want someone to talk to about it who understand what you're feeling then feel free to message me! :-)

03-01-2012, 11:09 AM
Thank you so much! It is such a difficult phobia.

03-01-2012, 11:15 AM
Yeah it is... it affects every single aspect of my life! If you're on facebook, there's a really good group on there but its a private one.... If you wanted to join i could ask the girl who is admin to put you on if you like? Loads of sufferers who can all chat to each other without worrying about sounding ridiculous! :-) x

03-01-2012, 11:21 AM
i have the same exact phobia. it ruins my life and im still trying to cope with it. private message me any time you want. maybe we can help each other...


03-01-2012, 11:26 AM
Im amazed at the amount of people on this forum (and in the facebook group) who have it! Ive always been the only person I know to suffer with it and suddenly I find there are lots more out there who are the same! Its really reassuring.... not that i'd wish it on anyone! :-) x

03-01-2012, 11:28 AM
I wouldn't wish it on anyone either! I feel like I have a very severe case because it bothers me every single day, almost every minute of the day. Do you have anxiety about it very often too?

03-01-2012, 11:33 AM
ALL the time! I have it very severely to the extent that I hardly leave the house at all at the moment because it sends me into the biggest panic ever everytime i do. I worry about feeling ill and as a result i make myself feel ill, then i PANIC and have to get home as quick as possible coz home is my 'safe' place - so if i do leave the house its no further than about 20 minutes away. It totally consumes every second of my life... The list of how it affects me is endless! x

03-01-2012, 11:36 AM
I feel very similar!! I'm scared to leave my home because of the germs that may be spread to me in public and result in me getting sick. Not to mention that as soon as I start to panic, I get pain in my stomach which just my makes my panicking worse; It's like one big circle!

03-01-2012, 11:38 AM
Yep, know that feeling very well! Its a horrible vicious circle.... If i do go out i am armed with hand sanitizer and dont touch ANY door knobs or handles etc. and constantly check out those around me for signs that they might be ill! I just hope that the CBT works for me this time coz its soooo depressing living like this - as im sure you'll agree! x

03-01-2012, 01:59 PM
I wouldn't wish it on anyone either! I feel like I have a very severe case because it bothers me every single day, almost every minute of the day. Do you have anxiety about it very often too?

i think about it every minute of everyday, i too thought i was the only one who suffered from it. can we like talk about it in chat sometime. i would like to hear about how you guys deal with it and your symptoms.. if thats ok?

03-01-2012, 02:36 PM
Yeah i'd be happy to chat with you! Although im in the uk so the time difference might be a problem! :-) if not, i'll message you my email address, although your settings mean that i cant message it to you ive just realised! X

03-01-2012, 04:56 PM
just send me a message and i can fix it lol sorry