View Full Version : New Member hoping for some reassurance

Alexandra Coffey
02-29-2012, 09:10 AM
Hello everyone!
My name is Alexandra. I am 20 years old. I never thought I would find my self on an anxiety forum. I had always had a good outlook on life, but lately I have felt so down and out of it. Like not my self at all. I have not been diagnosed with anxiety but I actually have an appointment tomorrow to talk to a doctor to see if there are some ways to help me out and figure out what's wrong. Let me explain what I am feeling. It started about 2 weeks ago out of no where one night I could not sleep and had horrible thoughts running though my head of someday dying, family members dying and wanting to know all the answers. I know I have my whole life to live but I feel as if I am stuck. Not knowing what to do in life even though I am in college and what not. I recently just got engaged and I do not know if this is where all this anxiety is coming from. I am usually a person who has a hard time dealing with change but always figured out a way to cope with it. I try to talk to my family and fiance about it but I feel as if they do not understand. I want this all to go away and I want to live happy since I have so much to look forward to.

I hope this forum will help guide me through this dark tunnel I am in now. I am so hoping there is a light at the end of it even though I can not see it right now.

02-29-2012, 10:01 AM
Alex, going got the doc is a good first step. Yep, upcoming events and stress are behind allot of your anxiety. Alankay

02-29-2012, 10:27 AM
I agree, going to a doctor is the first step to feeling better. I am sorry you are feeling this way Alexandra.

Fearful jen
02-29-2012, 11:11 AM
Hi Alex I am new to this forum too. Three weeks ago I was a fine healhty 35 year old but just recently I could not sleep because I was fearful that something would happen to me. Now I am even scared to be home alone. The doctor put me on xanax and it helps to sleep but I would really like to be able to sleep on my own again. You should start getting a physical to rule any medical problems and see what is going on. I am also going to therapy has help because I talk about my fears and problems. The important things to not lose your self. Do not let these feelings and fears get the better of. I am fighting hard because I two beautiful daugthers who need me. Please try to do the same your so young