View Full Version : Having anxiety, what do people do for work?

02-27-2012, 06:45 PM
I havent worked in over 10 years because of my anxiety. It manifests in excessive sweating on my forehead so its hard to be at a job and not have people notice.

I would like to know what people do for work, with emphasis on those who work out of their homes (such as working online).

Thank you,

02-27-2012, 07:18 PM
N, what kind of treatment have you received as a beta blocker would stop/reduce the sweating for the most part? Other meds and therapy might allow you to work outside the home as do "nonanxious" people. Alankay

02-27-2012, 07:56 PM
Hi Mark

I was just thinking this morning about how I force myself to get in the car and drive to work everyday. I have been getting panic attacks again for the past few years, with them becoming worse since late last year. Now I am finding myself not wanting to get in the car and drive (I do though and it's a horrible trip to work), but once I am at work, I am fine. I have been with the same company for nearly 8 years and no one knows of my anxiety. I have thought about quitting and trying to find an 'online' job, but I am scared if I do this, I will never leave the house. I take Betablockers every day and am also on a very small dosage of Xanax (Which I resisted to take at first, but I find they calm me down and do help me to face my day to day dealings).

Do you have family or friends you can get part-time work with? Or somewhere very local? Just something to get you started. Small steps :)


02-28-2012, 02:53 AM
I have been on a beta blocker one time. I was going bowling while in a treatment program and I got a beta blocker because I was nervous about going. It was Inderal. I dont know much about beta blockers to be honest.

Just to fill in my background a bit, I became depressed in 1978 (grade 8) and the anxiety began in 1989. I have been through alot of treatment and medications, but many were because of the depression

I have been on a beta blocker once (Inderal). I dont know much about beta blockers.

I am continually wiping my forehead because of the sweating. If I dont wipe it, it would look like the video clip.
*Because I am under 20 posts, I had to post the link as it is below

75% of the time I am sweating (eventually) when I go out. I wear a baseball hat to hide it. I would get Botox but I dont have the money. Its about $900-$1500
for a treatment that lasts 9 months.

I take 450 mg Lithuim, 150 mg Wellbutrin, 10 mg Cipralex, 1 mg Xanax


02-28-2012, 03:18 AM
Hey Mark,

I do a lot of work with computers, so I could get away with a lot of bad moments or really dizzy moments, by working alone, or at home. It's tough in the world of work with anxiety. Most people either have to get on drugs quickly, to allow them to work, or they're lucky enough to have some savings or a partner who is earning, so that they can take time to work on their problems.

Out of interest, have the drugs affected the sweating at all? Made it better or worse in any way?

I'm not sure it could be done, but I have terrible sweaty hands, it always feels like I've just washed them, its very embarassing. I start to apply talcum powder, and it really dries them, suprisngly well. I'm just not sure if you could use it on the face, it would leave white marks I think.

Working online is really hard now. It's so competitive. Almost all of the income streams have just been reduced to so little. There is always a demand for information. If you're knowledgable, or have a lot of experience in a certain field, or of a particular skill, information products can produce a second source of income.

Is the sweating caused by anxiety, or does it have it's own cause? Hypothetically, if you went on a strong benzo for a few week, and it killed any anxious feeling, do you think it would reduce, or eliminate the sweating?

02-28-2012, 03:23 AM
I dont have anywhere a family could try to get me a job. Im essentially living your worst fear and I dont leave my home much because of the anxiety.
My income is $960 per month. My rent was $395, but went up to $445. My sister is paying the extra $50. Ive lived here 17 years.

People have suggested volunteering but working outside just doesnt seem to be an option for me. I dont think of myself as an agoraphobic. I think of it as a functioning agoraphobic. I go outside when I need to go to the store, get groceries, etc but I usually have an anxiety attack / sweating so I dont go out much.

And that is why I am looking for online alternatives.

Thank you

02-28-2012, 03:47 AM
Hi Jesse,
Im knowledgeable about computers and that is the most likely area for me to pursue. I have had people suggest that I charge for my time and help people with computers. At the message board that I go to, I am the tech guy to which everyone asks for help. There are areas that I dont know about like computer code and web design. I wouldnt know how to make a website for myself where I could tutor people.

I have made about 60 tutorials about computers and message boards and it is those tutorials that have led to people suggesting I do something with computers.

I have had body dysmorphia since I was in grade 5 (1975). I was obsessed with the gap between my teeth. The sweating is linked to how I feel about how I look but I think it is more than just that. I was an attractive guy but my looks have changed and I dont feel the same way about myself. But even when I was attractive, I always had a little voice in my head say the opposite.

I hoped I answered your questions. Thanks

02-28-2012, 04:26 AM
Hey Mark,

Body Dysmorphia is a bitch. In my young life, I had stick out ears, really badly. By the time I was 18, they bent and just fallen into place, but I couldn't see it. All i saw was frustrating imperfection. My doctor wouldn't refer me to a cosmetic surgeon, and made me see a therapist. I actually went and had cosmetic surgery organized without consent. I don't know, but it seemed to help. I developed really bad chronic itching too, for years. I think it helped because after I had the surgery, I was momentarily satisfied. I paid so much attention in therapy, I seemed to overcome a lot. It was lucky, as I had far more surgery lined up. Even now, there is some tiny groove at the top, and if I pay attention to it, it fills me with all this ugly emotion. I did a LOT of work inwards. I mean my goodness, theres virtually nothing left of that 18 year old kid. I spent a lot of time meditating, and studying my psychology. Tonnes of time in therapy. It's about finding that balance between letting go, and resolving the real problem to a satisfactory standard. It's so hard to know where the line is, and what causes what. Many times it's just like an addiction, and the eyes and mind distort everything making it almost impossible to see reality.

It's great you have that skill. If working in a more individual environment requires one thing, it's very often computers. I think if you can make 60 tutorials, there's very much a future in it somewhere. The web design is easier than it looks. There are easy ways to create simple webpages, once you had a product.

Is there any particular software programme you're really competent with? If so, maybe you could work on compiling an e-book on it.

Ebooks are stupidly expensive, you wouldn't need to charge too much.

Is that the plan you'd like to put in place, to make the money and have the botox?

In that case, you'd only need to make a measley $5 a day... $5x365 = $1500+

Without the sweating, you may then have more of an option to work in more environments, feeling comfortable. You could try to gain employment in an admin environment, or any other IT environment.

Or who knows, I've often wrote stuff, and it's lead me on to another great topic, and I've kept building. I mean, I came onto this forum just because I saw a post about intrusive thoughts, that I suffered with. I wrote a few posts, and people liked them. I wrote something in an ebook about them, and anxiety too. Only around 40 pages. It took me a couple of hours really. I have just a basic website I made as a hobby, just about healthy living, and living a gluten-free lifestyle (Yeah, I'm anti-bread :)) and just put this ebook on there for anybody to download for free. It bought shed loads of traffic to my site, and something I did just out of interest, makes me around $15 a day through advertising.

I could probably build on that, but I work a lot with computers anyway, and need to get outside more in my free time haha!

02-28-2012, 11:33 AM
Internet business?

02-28-2012, 01:52 PM
Hi Jessed,
I had an aquantaince who ears stuck out also and he eventually had surgery to fix it. It changed his life.

I have not been able to overcome how I feel about myself despite the therapy and programs I have been in.

My brother in law gave me the idea about making a website. I went to Youtube, watched a video, and thought "I can do this" but it required Microsoft Frontpage but I dont think they make it anymore. It was something I have used a bit. I dont really know what others programs are out there to use. I guess I should watch more Youtube videos and find what else there is.

No, there's no software program that I am well versed in. It would probably be doing a basics program for people new to the computer. I havent thought about ebooks.

Im not looking to save up money to get botox. But If I had the money I would do it.

"It bought shed loads of traffic to my site, and something I did just out of interest, makes me around $15 a day through advertising."
- so if I made a website with computer tutorials, I could make money through advertising?

My tutorials are on Youtube at . . . I cant post any links because Im under 20 posts but I think this will work . . .


Many are designed specifically for the message board that I go to but there are some tutorials about computers

Thanks for the information Jessed. The advertising is something I didnt know about. I thought that happened on big websites.

I would also like to actually hear what people are doing. Something might be said that perks my interest and something I might not have thought about.

02-28-2012, 01:54 PM
Internet business?

But what kind?

02-28-2012, 08:33 PM
M, yeah inderal(propranolol) is what I use. It should be fine as long as you have no asthma and a normal heart(I bet you do). I think you need to go higher in dose that I do. I use 20-30mg for tremor/racing heart. Maybe 60-80mg but your doc would have to OK that dose. I bet it would be OK and help. Alankay

02-29-2012, 08:07 AM
I am so glad I am not the only one that struggles going to work. I just graduated from college and have no idea what to do with my life. I had a job but my anxiety was so bad I had to quit. I am thinking about going back to school but I know I am just hiding behind a textbook. I sweat with my anxiety and I start to cry. It is very embarrassing. Yesterday was a bad day for me and I called into work because I was having a mental break down. I told my work that my mom might have had a heart attack which is a total lie. Now I'm scared my mom might have a heart attack because I said that. I never thought about working from home. I don't know what I would do. God I hate anxiety. I don't know what to do with my life

02-29-2012, 09:59 AM
LO, have you gone in to a doc and started treatment? Alankay.

02-29-2012, 10:15 AM
Alankay, yes i have been receiving treatment for 5 years now. I have had years that are amazing and jobs that I don't even feel my anxiety. I wish I would have stayed at that job but my boss quit so my anxiety came back. I am on prozac 40 mg and abilify 2.5 mg and xanax .5 mg as needed. I just can't get over getting in trouble at work. I am sooo scared to get in trouble at work. I want to be perfect. My counselor is going to be going on maternity leave soon so I have to find a new one. I only work 3-4 hours a day but pretty soon I am not going to have anymore to support myself. My mom doesn't think I should see a counselor because she says they don't have a magic wand and I have to do it all by myself. She's very helpful as you can tell.... NOT! I am 22 years old and I just want to know what I should be doing with my life. I just feel like my world is crushing around me and I am falling into the hole. I am thinking about going into social work and becoming a counselor myself but now I am thinking if I can't even figure out myself how in the heck am I suppose to help anyone else. I am just stuck. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!

03-01-2012, 08:25 AM
I was afraid if I personalized the thread - by talking about myself - that it might go in a direction that I dont want it to go.

Could people please say what they do for work if they are dealing with anxiety that prevents them from working a traditional job

Thank you

03-02-2012, 02:11 AM
I just want to know what others do for work.

Thank you

03-02-2012, 01:31 PM
To be honest, a job that causes you to deal with people and focus on work, would actually do you good. When you have anxiety disorder, it's not good to cater to your anxiety. Instead of trying to find ways to remain in your safe place, you should work on venturing off out of your comfort zone little by little until you can hold a normal job. What you are doing is not the best way to cure anxiety.

03-04-2012, 01:59 AM
I just want to know what others do for work.

Thank you

Anyone else?

05-25-2012, 06:23 PM
I was afraid if I personalized the thread - by talking about myself - that it might go in a direction that I dont want it to go.

Could people please say what they do for work if they are dealing with anxiety that prevents them from working a traditional job

Thank you

M1000, I used to do social work type jobs for about 7 years on and off; working with people who have disabilities or people finding work. I got to the point where I couldn't handle peoples' emotions anymore. I am a hypersenstive person and therefore decided to make a career change just this past year. I am now in school to be a librarian. I love it so far and I volunteer in a school library. The best part is that so much of it is working at a computer terminal doing circulation or cataloguing. Sometimes you work with the kids or teachers but you don't have to hear about people's problems all day! My goal is to work part time in the future because that is all I can really handle. My husband has a decent full time job so we will just make it work with that income.

What I have always been curious about is whether or not there is a income supplement program for people that have mental illnesses? I really think there should be so a person can work part time and be supplemented with more income so it is like they are working full time. If I wasn't married I don't know what I would do! In Canada there is EI for people who are laid off or social assistance for people that have proof that they physically and mentally are unable to work. But where is the in- between for people who are able to work but can't always make the income of a full time job because of their mental illness??

05-25-2012, 07:29 PM
I am a qualified beauty therapist and worked on beauty for 3years. Then I started having panic attacks when I had waxing appointments after a lady was very rude to me after her eyebrow wax. So I quit my job and I am back working in a cafe,the type work I did before I qualified in beauty. Less money and so silly but Im avoiding panic attacks from waxing clients

05-26-2012, 04:02 PM
Oh I think I lost my job because of anxiety. I started losing confidence in my abilities, and staying in an office with other people was dreaming, I started having the blank mind feeling and eventually spiraling down into negative thoughts until I quitted.

05-26-2012, 05:05 PM
I was a primary school teacher for 6 years but I ended up being off sick a lot due to my anxiety. The money was great but I found the stress and panic that accompanied it too much. I ended up becoming a sub/supply teacher as holding down a permanent contract became too much for me. I was lucky enough to get assigned to a school that specialised in autism which I loved but it was only a temporary contract. While I loved the kids I still struggled with constraints of a school environment so I moved into social care and supporting autistic adults in the community and their own homes. This was great for a couple of years but I changed companies and ended up working ridiculous shifts which left me burnt out and again led to anxiety and panic attacks (I would have to sleep over at client's houses so worked 24hr shifts at a time, up to 3 of these shifts a week plus overtime). I was off work again and was lucky enough to have an understanding HR manager who transferred me to a different service- reduced hours and no sleep overs. Unfortunatley I just was not well enough to do it despite trying. That was a couple of months ago and I have since had a change in meds and am seeing a new therapist. Money is so tight though so I am having to return to work next week. I am hoping i am ready but deep down do not think I am.
Anyway, back to the original question- I work in social care supporting adults with autism and other learning difficulties. Ideally though I would work from home but there seem to be no jobs going that let you work from home.