View Full Version : Driving anxiety help

02-27-2012, 04:48 PM
hi, just need some help on driving anxiety, its been with me for a bit, so today i decided to go to the store and once i was on the road i was ok, once i got near the store i was going to it started to bothering me, then once i was in the store it went away a bit when i was talking to somebody, then once i left it came back on and then i went to a buddys house and i calmed down, then when i had to leave his house to go back to my house it started back up when i was back on the road, once i got to the top of the hill since he lives below my borough it left, which i was getting near my house, i started feeling better and more calmer, so question is it that i just have trouble driving by myself cause im pretty calm when i drive with someone in the vehicle with me, i still feel nervous even tho im home, any ideas? thanks

02-28-2012, 07:54 AM
I have trouble with driving too, but mine relates to the interstate and large overpasses. Here in Atlanta, we have an interchange called "Spaghetti Junction" because it literally looks like spaghetti with all of the overpasses and such. I can't even be a passenger in the car and go through there! It's literally been 8 years since I've been on those roads. If I have to go anywhere downtown, I always find back roads and side streets that will get me to my destination. My best suggestion to you is exposure. That's how I keep my fear of bridges and interstate driving from getting too out of control. It's not cured, but I am able to get myself places without freaking out. I'm still a work in progress (see "spaghetti junction" reference above, lol). Drive to the store over and over again. Drive to your friends house over and over again. Each time you will be less and less anxious, until it doesn't bother you to drive to those places anymore. Start small though - you want to be uncomfortable with your anxiety, but you still want to be safe!