View Full Version : Does anyone else, get easily stressed out by certain family members?

02-27-2012, 03:11 PM
I have had General Anxiety, for over the past 4 years. Do any of you ever notice your anxiety symptoms worsen, when you talk to, or come in contact with certain people, I'm talking about close relatives, like parents etc.

Whenever you talk to them, they always have negative things to say, about how crappy their life is going....when you try to help brainstorm, to help things better, those ideas are just shot down with excuses. After I talk to these certain people, I notice my stress level is raised, and my anxiety symptoms really show up, cause I just worry about everyone in my family being "o.k."

I was just wondering if anyone experiences this in their family?

02-27-2012, 03:34 PM
I have to avoid my mother. i live a few miles from her but I see her once a month or so and only call her on the phone once a month or so. I am always hoping to be comforted by her but I am anything but that.

02-27-2012, 03:40 PM
i know exactly what you are going through. my dads girlfriend is just like that. she is miserable, hates life and everyone around her. for example, i could win a hundred dollars and go to her my dads house and be super happy and excited and she would probably say "oh must be nice, that would never happen to me. why did you have to come here and rub in my face" just so negative. she ruins holidays and birthdays every single year. she makes a big issue about anything and makes it about her. this year she ruined my sons bday and xmas. had a fit over nothing, wouldnt talk to me and would just yell at my dad saying stupid things. she thinks everyone is out to get her. she lovessss drama. she makes me absolutely miserable. and i am the only person in my family who stands up to her in an argument