View Full Version : Self harm... advice please

02-27-2012, 10:35 AM
First off, i do not take arazor to my skin... i just want to say that first.

When i have a panic attack i subconsciously lightly scratch either my arm, thigh or under my chest. up until december i actually would break the skin. a few times i bent a bobby pin in half and scratched my thighs until they bleed. and i dont realize i have done it until i am fully calm. my boyfriend notices them and gets upset and i dont even know i have done it. i now have scars all over my body.... my hands, forearms legs hips.. everywhere. i dont know how to make myself stop. and i dont do it to take away emotional pain like most cutters.. help me understand whats happening

02-27-2012, 12:21 PM
you should take some proper AD's, your anxiety is very severe. you cant continue on like this, it's not good for you. best of luck x

02-27-2012, 01:57 PM
you should take some proper AD's, your anxiety is very severe. you cant continue on like this, it's not good for you. best of luck x

When I read this, I could have SWORN I saw it written by somebody else. It was so clear! Then when I scrolled back up, it said ellen. That's really spooky :) Must be that bad nights sleep I had!

Anxiety builds up so much tension in the body. I've felt ridiculous amounts at times, I've walked around just punching air. Feeling so many things I didn't really understand or know how to express. It starts to come out in all these weird ways. Half of stopping comes from releasing that tension. Any way that helps. I threw rocks around my garden haha. Some people are more articulate and they write, or talk. Thats only half the battle though.

The other is becoming more aware of this problem, and altering the habit. As kev said, finding a new pathway for the brain to use. One that isn't harmful.

Are you receiving any therapy at the moment MM?

02-27-2012, 02:30 PM
i haven't been to therapy in 3months. i just got back on my medication. i take 25 mgs of celexa, and 50mgs of seroquel. i talked to my therapist about and hour ago and told her about it. she suggested new AD because i have seen no change in my anxiety or depression in the past month. i am almost positive i do it to tke my mind off my anxiety and to see if i can feel something other than the fear i have inside me. i barely sleep so my mind and body are absolutely exausted. this forum as of right now is my only outlet. it helps sometimes and then others i am in a hole..

02-27-2012, 03:33 PM
So other than drugs you don't do any thing else .

Do you take supplements ?

Whats your diet like ?

Do you exercise ?

Do you relax , meditate ??

What about CBT and thoughts control ?

You scared shitless of the anxiety and if so why ??

cheers kev :)

i just started taking multi vitamins, and i just started P90X (intense work out for 90 days) i honestly barely eat because of my anxiety and phobia. i try to meditate a few times a day but the relaxation lasts for an hour them im anxious again. i did CBTn for a while but havent in a long time. and thought control... i wish i had it.

i am absolutely terrified of my anxiety and often think it very weel could kill me. its so out of control, my irrational thoughts are tiring. my phobia is about vomitting.. i dont like talking about it because that makes me more anxious. im constantly thinking about it and i cant stop. i associate it with pain and death. im going insane and i feel there is no hope. im helpless.

02-27-2012, 06:25 PM
i wish i saw this earlier. im not ok at all. i dont know what to do. message me when you come on to tell me when we can chat please

02-29-2012, 11:04 PM
Miss Mac would you accept pms?

03-01-2012, 04:11 AM
i haven't been to therapy in 3months. i just got back on my medication. i take 25 mgs of celexa, and 50mgs of seroquel. i talked to my therapist about and hour ago and told her about it. she suggested new AD because i have seen no change in my anxiety or depression in the past month. i am almost positive i do it to tke my mind off my anxiety and to see if i can feel something other than the fear i have inside me. i barely sleep so my mind and body are absolutely exausted. this forum as of right now is my only outlet. it helps sometimes and then others i am in a hole..

Have you told your doctor about your insomnia? Are you nervous to go to sleep?