View Full Version : Just a little update.

02-27-2012, 07:41 AM
In December I started going to a therapist. That combined with meds (for now) seems like a great combo for me. I'm on 10 mg of lexapro a day with a plan to attempt to wean off by November. This may be TMI (sorry) but we're hoping to try for another baby in December so I'd prefer to be off meds if possible. Obviously it may not be possible to wean off completely, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

Therapy has been going really well. People told me to try it out before and I was resistant. Now that I've started it I could kick myself for not doing it sooner. If nothing else, it's helpful to know there's an unbiased 3rd party who can listen to me talk and give good advice. I don't feel like I'm fighting this alone anymore, if that makes any sense.

Anyway, I know there are others out there having success against their anxiety too. I know sometimes coming onto forums or reading things online can be discouraging because people only post about their problems (which is fine, that's what forums like these are here for) but not their victories. So be encouraged, because there ARE victory stories. :)

02-27-2012, 08:43 AM
It's great you found a combo thats working :)

Sometimes that can be the tricky part. Finding a therapist you relate to, and a drug that you can handle, or that works. Sounds like you've got your plan locked!

It helped me a load, just to realize it isn't just you alone against this big terrifying world! That even though it's quite lonely, there are people that help and understand. It brought me a lot of comfort to know that. A burden shared is a burden halved, as they say :)

I hope the sea will be smooth sailing from now on :)