View Full Version : really scary feeling

12-24-2006, 11:45 PM
*i know i have GAD- i am constantly worried about everything and think that i have every disease/illness out there- like many other people on here do. I have a simple headache and go online and soon it turns into a brain tumor in my mind. I am a 21 year old and in good shape and appear to be healthy- I have had many tests done like most of you (MRI's, Cat Scans, EKGs, bloodwork, x-rays..and so on...) but there is something that happens from time to time, never on a regular basis really- but i will get this SUDDEN surge throughout my chest that it's just being smothered or something. It's very sudden and it scares the hell out of me. Its like everything shuts down inside me for a second- kinda hard to explain. It never lasts for long at all but then I wonder well next time is it going to go on for longer... I will get it sometimes when I lay down to go to sleep or sometimes when I am upset about things...but i also noticed now i will get it at times when i am just doing something like chatting online or hanging out with friends (nothing stressful).

I just was wondering if anyone else has experienced this....or if anyone had advice on how to deal with it...is this sudden feeling harmless or could it be doing damage- i'm just confused and scared- any help would be appreciated- thank you :) annd merry christmas everyone! :)

12-25-2006, 09:09 AM
it is a scary thing and i can understand what you're saying... sometimes i feel like that too- where it just feels like theres hardly any air passing through my chest and it scares the hell out of me. i always think there's something wrong with me but when i go to the doctor, they cant find anything. it really goes to show how powerful stress and anxiety is. the physiological is stronger then the physical. my advice is to maybe learn some breathing techniques ahead of time to release the tension in your chest.

you're not alone.

01-03-2007, 01:08 PM
It sounds like a panic attack, but don't panic LOL. It's common amonst us with GAD. As suggested try breathing exercises.

01-05-2007, 12:48 PM
Yes, I feel like I can't breathe when I start having a panic attack. First fear, stuggle to breathe, then shake. Sometimes I just get sick then feel better. If I feel an attack coming I just focus on breathing and try to calm myself. (ie think of something you like)