View Full Version : new member

02-26-2012, 08:58 AM
Hey everyone I'm 23 year old male here first time ive posted to any forum like this I have always read around this forum and most of the time it makes me feel alot better:) I've never had anxiety in my life until I was about 21 and really I never even believed anxiety was real I just thought people needed to relax boy was I wrong!! One day I was working and it just seemed to hit me out of the blue just felt so out of it ever since then ive just started to worry about everything I always think I have some serious health issue brain tumor brain anyerism etc... I was put on citalopram for almost a year felt better and been off of it for almost a year now for the most part I have been fine but still have my episodes, just wondering if any of you have felt this way like some times I .be so clear minded so grounded no anxiety no worries I just feel great then later I could feel out of it it's hard to explain like I just don't feel with it like the day isn't going to end or like I'm on auto pilot my body can function yet feeling like my mind just isnt there and all I do is worry worry worry I absolutely hate it and its so hard to enjoy life when its like that by all means I never want to kill myself or anything like that lol just makes me feel like a zombie and for the past few months ive had I guess I wouldnt call it a headache but on the left side of my head temple eye cheek bone area there seems to be a numbness? Or pressure in and around my eye sometimes feels like there is something in my ear my necks stiff and i just dwell on it all day 24/7 but it will go away if i get very disteacted or get very focused on it but then ill be like wait where did it go then it comes back lol i mean as soon as i wake up very first thing i do is start thinking about it witch im sure is half my problem and all i do is google my symltoms and always lead my self to believe its a tumor or some serious condition ahh i drive my self crazy but cant help it anymore lol so yeah thays about it i knkw its a lot to read but im hoping to get some input through some of you guys and see if any of you have felt like i have thanks so much everyone oh yeah new symptom i forgot sometimes feels like my pinky and the left side of my left foot gets a little numb from time to time...well hole everyone doesnt come back and say tumor this and that but speak your mind thanks in advanced

02-26-2012, 09:02 AM
Oh and forgot to say 99% of the time if I wear a hat I will no longer have the pressure sensation in my eye and surrounding area whatever that may mean

03-06-2012, 07:32 PM
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03-07-2012, 12:30 AM
I know what you mean. I have health phobias and in particular, cancer. This might stem from losing a loved one from it. I drive my wife crazy (short trip, anyway) because every little ache and pain I get, I assume it's cancer. I google my symptoms and of course this just makes it worse. Thanks God my doctor is understanding and empathetic. You should go see your doctor, for nothing else, piece of mind.