View Full Version : Need a quick tip on anxiety symtpoms?

02-26-2012, 04:36 AM
I have been having bad symptoms for nearly 2 months, i wont go into to much detailx hut ive had alot! Now i have stopped worrying and accepted my anxiety, i have relaxed and just let my symptoms go by themselves, i need to know;

If you have been relaxed for about a week and the symptoms are still persisting should i go to the doctor?

And how long should i wait until i know its not anxiety?

02-26-2012, 05:37 AM
Thank you, that was a very clear answer i needed!! Thanks for replying so fast aswell!

02-26-2012, 05:47 AM
Well recovery doesn't just happening , you don't wake one morning and it is gone and often you don't notice it is going . It is a slow process. What you will notice is that as your system starts to settles and less and less things will worry you and the things that do will wear off faster .

Our brains seem to like to focus on the bad stuff , where we are now and forget just how far we have come . I will never forget when i looked over the sysmptoms list and realised that i had come down from 95% to maybe 10% of them .

This is right on the money :)

It's not really proper relaxation if you keep asking "Is it gone yet?" That's not a relaxing experience for the body. It's not really accepting of the symptoms, if you keep saying, I've accepted the symptoms, why won't they go? It's tension dressed up as relaxation.

Don't get me wrong, you're making progress. You're on the right path, and judging by your last posts, you've already come a long way, it takes many people months before they understand anxiety. The final stage to it, is to stop questioning. Calm people aren't always asking themselves "Am I calm yet?". Part of being calm is not asking those questions. you see? Just notice when your mind asks these scary questions. That is anxiety :)

It's like Kev said. Do relaxation for the experience of being relaxed. Because it's a nice feeling. If you keep living healthily, relaxing, eating well, challenging negative thoughts, you'll just sort of go back into 'normal' mode and these things will just stop crossing your mind naturally. You won't really notice it happening, you'll sort of just have a moment one day where you think "I actually haven't thought about ##### in a while." And it'll seem quite amusing. A lot of it takes time. The mind and body have become shaken up, it takes a while for them to settle. I don't think theres any real way to fast forward it. Trying desperately to get better creates more anxiety. people can get lost in that cycle

Out of interest, do you do any methods of relaxation during the day? Sometimes it's nice to physically relax the body.

Keep living well... You're on the right track :)

02-26-2012, 09:33 AM
This is right on the money :)

It's like Kev said. Do relaxation for the experience of being relaxed. Because it's a nice feeling. If you keep living healthily, relaxing, eating well, challenging negative thoughts, you'll just sort of go back into 'normal' mode and these things will just stop crossing your mind naturally. You won't really notice it happening, you'll sort of just have a moment one day where you think "I actually haven't thought about ##### in a while." And it'll seem quite amusing. A lot of it takes time. The mind and body have become shaken up, it takes a while for them to settle. I don't think theres any real way to fast forward it. Trying desperately to get better creates more anxiety. people can get lost in that cycle

Out of interest, do you do any methods of relaxation during the day? Sometimes it's nice to physically relax the body.

Very well spoken! You are completely right though, anxiety will not just disappear over night, it is a very slow process. One of the first things I did was make sure to always replace any negative though with a positive one. Wow did I ever have a lot of negative thoughts! Now sometimes if I am just hanging out I will think to myself "wow I have been watching tv for about 25 minutes and I have had absolutely no anxiety or negative thoughts". I also started noticing how much other people are negative and what friends are negative and I need to get rid of.