View Full Version : does this ever get any better?

12-24-2006, 08:19 PM
i've had anxiety ever since i was a kid, and at first i had no idea what was happening- i experienced a lot of panic attacks back then based on specific phobias. lately, that has changed into hypochondria and A LOT of anxiety based on that. for some reason i cant shake it and the medication i'm on seems to be helping less and less. i feel like giving up. am i going to feel like this forever? i want to lead a healthy and happy lifestyle, i dont want to be afraid anymore. i'm afraid of being afraid, anxious about being anxious. i love a woman who is so supportive of me but i wonder how much longer she'll be willing to stick around with someone who cant support herself or control her emotions...

i really need some input.

01-01-2007, 06:29 PM
I wish I could answer that for you, but I cant. I do believe it can get better as ive had 2-3 weeks without it sometimes. I really do hope it cant go completely some day? (with help from the pro's of course?)

01-03-2007, 12:00 PM
Never give up! Things can only get better, try to fnd somthing to distract your mind from the destructive thought processes. Seek help and keep seeking help dont rely on medication its unreliable and just enforces the fear processes. Good Luck, I hope it works out for you. I dont think things are ever perfect, maybe we sould just aim for O.K. and go from there.

01-04-2007, 06:06 PM
well i started getting anxiety when i was 11, and all through my teenage years it totally ruled my life. Now i am lucky enough to say im practically over my anxiety problems. I have a great social life, I can do alot of things I used to fear and im optimisitc about my future at long last! I still get more nervous than the average person, but thats just me, anxiety isnt a bad thing, you just have to learn to control it, and for me facing the things that made me anxious (social interaction) have helped me get to where I am now.