View Full Version : Using my anxiety...blog project

02-25-2012, 08:26 PM
Hello everyone,

I've decided to finally seek professional help regarding my severe panic attacks and general anxiety disorder. I've noticed that there are a lot of people out there that will write books, blogs and whanot AFTER they have treated their anxiety disorder and offer their thoughts and advice on all the "how to's". While I think that's a great thing to do to help others, I'm taking a different approach. I am going to be blogging about the entire process. I have my first appointment with the psychologist for CBT (cognitive behavorial treatment) next Saturday so I'm starting the blog at what I consider "rock bottom." I'm a complete victim to my anxiety and live in despair practically every day. So in the week leading up to my first appointment, I will be blogging about each day and the anxiety and panic I go through. Following that, I will blog about my treatment with the psychologist and my progress (and setbacks).

I wanted to invite you all to follow my blog! I'm not only looking to try and help people who, like myself, have a loooooooooooong road ahead in this recovery process, but I'm also looking for advice and feedback. I see that I can't post links on here until I've hit a certain amount of posts. If you'd like the link, please message me and I will gladly provide it.


02-26-2012, 07:17 AM
Great idea I think as it will keep you busy and help you learn more as you rehash/review things, etc, to build the blog.
But the best news is you're going in for help and seem to have a good attitude about it all. Your attitude seems like mine which is "OK, I have anxiety, OK, well I'm still gonna make the best of my life and am going to do/learn all I can to live well despite it".
Keep us posted. Alankay

02-26-2012, 07:19 AM

Yeah im doing exactly the same thing! All the blogs I found were from people who had already had treatment... I started mine in January this year and I have my first CBT session tomorrow!!! Eeeeek. Anyway, think its a great idea to blog as you're going through it. Not only useful to others, but also I find it quite therapeautic to get everything out in the form of a blog! My blog is at http : // emetophobia - struggles . blogspot . com (without the spaces obviously, but a little trick to get round the link rule, hehe) if you'd like to take a look. :-) And i'd love to take a look at your blog too! Wishing you lots of luck with it! x

02-26-2012, 08:36 AM

Yeah im doing exactly the same thing! All the blogs I found were from people who had already had treatment... I started mine in January this year and I have my first CBT session tomorrow!!! Eeeeek. Anyway, think its a great idea to blog as you're going through it. Not only useful to others, but also I find it quite therapeautic to get everything out in the form of a blog! My blog is at http : // emetophobia - struggles . blogspot . com (without the spaces obviously, but a little trick to get round the link rule, hehe) if you'd like to take a look. :-) And i'd love to take a look at your blog too! Wishing you lots of luck with it! x
Awesome Suzzy! I'll definitely subscribe to yours :) My blog is at http :// digging my way out 1 .blogspot .com/ (same, no spaces lol). I wish you the best of luck also! I'm glad I found this forum. Everyone here is super supportive and the advice is great.

02-26-2012, 08:44 AM
...oh and Suzzy, I just read your first post on your blog. Sounds JUST like me.

02-26-2012, 09:10 AM
Thanks! Yeah, i've just checked yours out.... a LOT I can relate to there! And like you say, even if no one ever even reads the blog i'd still do it because its a great way of getting everything out! This forum is great, a lot of amazing people on here who do their best to help! Look forward to reading more from you... :-) x

02-26-2012, 09:14 AM
Know what's so funny? I felt my anxiety from this morning start to go away. Between this forum and writing my blog, I find that it actually relieves a lot of stress. I know this sounds harsh, but I'm glad there are others that suffer like I do. I don't mean any malice by that, it's just comforting to know you're not the only one...and you're not actually going crazy.

02-26-2012, 09:18 AM
Yeah absolutely, I totally understand that... I wouldnt wish it on anyone, but knowing im not alone is a huge comfort! And i always notice that if im absorbed in doing something like writing my blog or whatever, my anxiety levels definitely seem to be a bit better because it keeps my head busy! I also have HUGE fears of passing out and suffer almost constantly with dizziness/light headedness, so I totally get where you're coming from with that one! Its the scariest feeling... x

02-26-2012, 09:36 AM
Yeah absolutely, I totally understand that... I wouldnt wish it on anyone, but knowing im not alone is a huge comfort! And i always notice that if im absorbed in doing something like writing my blog or whatever, my anxiety levels definitely seem to be a bit better because it keeps my head busy! I also have HUGE fears of passing out and suffer almost constantly with dizziness/light headedness, so I totally get where you're coming from with that one! Its the scariest feeling... x

I just read your blogs (to "catch up" lol) and everything you state is exactly how I feel. You have no idea how relieved that makes me feel (well, I'm sure you do). I always thought there would never be anyone that could fully understand what I was going through because I thought I was so weird and "freakish" in my thinking. Definitely makes me feel better. Now I am really looking forward to my appointment next week and reading more from you.

02-26-2012, 10:26 AM
Hehe, yeah luckily there's not too many posts for you to catch up on... but thank you! I started it, partly in the hope that there would be people out there who could relate and maybe make them feel a little less alone so it makes me really happy to know that it is doing its job! Im looking forward to my appointment tomorrow too... a big positive step to getting better I hope! But im also already worrying about feeling dizzy/ill and not being able to go!!! Haha. Grrrr, its a nightmare, ive got to laugh or i'll cry! :-D Shall be blogging about how it goes so will hopefully be able to let you know roughly what to expect! x

02-26-2012, 01:51 PM
Hehe, yeah luckily there's not too many posts for you to catch up on... but thank you! I started it, partly in the hope that there would be people out there who could relate and maybe make them feel a little less alone so it makes me really happy to know that it is doing its job! Im looking forward to my appointment tomorrow too... a big positive step to getting better I hope! But im also already worrying about feeling dizzy/ill and not being able to go!!! Haha. Grrrr, its a nightmare, ive got to laugh or i'll cry! :-D Shall be blogging about how it goes so will hopefully be able to let you know roughly what to expect! x
I know the feeling of fear of dizziness, trust me! I go through it every day when having to go in to the office. For me, it's all about the build-up. The "what if" thinking about everything is what gets me into a panic. I hope it goes well for you! I'm rooting for you!

02-26-2012, 02:09 PM
Yeah its horrible... i think i can actually make myself feel dizzy just by thinking about it! Thanks, i shall find out tomorrow if there's any hope for me! haha. x

02-26-2012, 03:13 PM
Of course there's hope! I refuse to believe we're lost causes.

02-27-2012, 02:51 AM
Yeah i like to think there is a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel! I just saw your post on another thread... Metallica are my favourite band too! And that song is one of the best. Great recommendation! :-)

03-03-2012, 08:08 PM
Ooooh another Metallica fan? That's awesome! Their music always seems to calm me down....along with the aforementioned Pearl Jam (in the other thread). Eddie Vedder could sing the alphabet to me, and I'd calm down LMAO!

03-03-2012, 08:16 PM
listen to some deftones... especially around the fur... best alblum i thinkk

03-04-2012, 01:35 PM
listen to some deftones... especially around the fur... best alblum i thinkk
I've tried to listen to the Deftones. Don't like 'em at all. I also have something against them LOL.