View Full Version : sleeping problems

02-25-2012, 06:23 PM
im having trouble sleeping during the week at night. i go to bed about 10 but 1hr befor i turn off tv and drink herbal tea. from 10 ten on wards i cant get to sleep until around 12 or 1. some nights i would get up out of bed and try read some thing to help sleep but it does not allways help. im also falling a sleep randomly on the weekends during the day. i cant even get up early during the week for my course

02-25-2012, 07:20 PM
The lexapro(10mg, right) did that to me too but it went away much faster than poor sleep from celexa which is why I switched so hang in there and ask your doc about atarax or maybe the oxazepam. Both will help with anxiety and sleep. In time if the sleep issue is from the lexapro, it will clear up as your system adjusts to it. You can try an over the counter antihistamine for now. Might help. PM me any time. Alankay.

02-26-2012, 04:11 PM
Hi - it was sudden sleeping issues that caused my anxiety in the first place and and I am now training myself into new sleep patterns. The most important advice my doctor told me was not to go to bed until I felt really tired. I would often go to bed between 9-10 just for the sake of it. I'm up at 6:30 every morning and thought I needed the 8-9 hour sleep. More often than not I would lie awake for hours just thinking/worrying about crap because in reality I wasn't really tired at all. Apparantly forcing yourself to sleep when the brain doesn't want to shut off really confuses it and can cause all sorts of issues - as I found out! Now I stay up, read a book, listen to music, internet surf or just potter around the house doing random chores until I feel like I really need by bed. It really does help and now when I go to bed I feel relaxed and within minutes I'm out like a light. I've stopped focusing on trying to get to sleep and just let it kick in when it wants to. Hope you find something that works for you. xx

03-12-2012, 08:21 AM
Hi - it was sudden sleeping issues that caused my anxiety in the first place and and I am now training myself into new sleep patterns. The most important advice my doctor told me was not to go to bed until I felt really tired. I would often go to bed between 9-10 just for the sake of it. I'm up at 6:30 every morning and thought I needed the 8-9 hour sleep. More often than not I would lie awake for hours just thinking/worrying about crap because in reality I wasn't really tired at all. Apparantly forcing yourself to sleep when the brain doesn't want to shut off really confuses it and can cause all sorts of issues - as I found out! Now I stay up, read a book, listen to music, internet surf or just potter around the house doing random chores until I feel like I really need by bed. It really does help and now when I go to bed I feel relaxed and within minutes I'm out like a light. I've stopped focusing on trying to get to sleep and just let it kick in when it wants to. Hope you find something that works for you. xx
thanks for the help my sleep is starting to get abit better day by the advice all of you are giving so i hope it continues like this

03-12-2012, 03:03 PM
i have this exact problem i make sure by 9.30 i am relaxin with a book or tv episode and then at ten to ten i make sure everything's right for bed and ten thirty i shut my eyes and listen to an audio book. i highly recommend andrew Johnson's deep sleep you can also get that in an app and it has helped me a lot. PM me if you would ever like to talk

03-13-2012, 03:25 AM
Do they really work Katie? I've been having some mini panic attacks lately which have put my sleep patterns all over the place again. I can't shut myself off at the moment. Thought about getting an audio book or something but didn't want to waste money on something that didn't work. xx

03-13-2012, 03:42 AM
Because of my GAD I would go to bed and lie there and worry worry worry, when I discussed this with my psychologist she said I had to retrain myself that bed is for sleeping and sex. not for thinking, worrying, reading or playing on the phone, just sleeping and sex.

So if I go to bed and I'm not asleep within 20 minutes, get up do something that will make me sleepy like a cross word and then go back to bed and try again. Also developing a routine before bed so eventually your body recognizes that when you are doing that routine, it means it's time for bed.

For me it's having my shower, doing my face cleansing/moisturizing routine, putting on my lavender oil and going to bed and doing my breathing exercises. I find the more I stick to it the easier it's getting to go to sleep.

I have to stress not to expect it to work straight away, it will take time.