View Full Version : Tingling feet, knees, scalp, elbows...what the heck?!

02-24-2012, 10:49 PM
I keep getting this tingling in my feet, toes, scalp, knees, and elbows. Also sometimes in my buttocks, and above my left eye brow. Alot of the time when these parts are tingling, they also feel cold. It comes and goes and usually only have it for about 10-20 minutes. Goes away for a few hours and then comes back. Also...my head has been feeling really flushed or hot, and with the tingling on my head, it literally feels like my head is going to explode. Does this even sound like anxiety? Don't get me wrong...I know I have anxiety. I worry often, but lately have been managing it better. The above symptoms are starting to worry me. Have had those symptoms since mid-January.

I have also been having upper abdominal pain in my left side since early October. You name the scope/medical test, and I have had it. Nothing found.

I had a CT scan of my head back in January and everything appeared normal. Not sure what I need to do here.

Any thoughts or advice appreciated.


02-25-2012, 07:43 AM
I hope you are right Kev! It is more annoying then anything!

02-25-2012, 08:57 AM
Hi - I get alot of tingling in my upper arm/hands followed by a numbness and cold feeling. Also tingling in my feet. I do suffer with mild RSI but these symptoms are heightened when I'm stressed. Not much you can do really. Just keep telling yourself it is an anxiety symptom and nothing else. Easier said than done (believe me I know) but keeping drumming it in your head and you'll be fine. xx