View Full Version : please someone help me my dr put me on new meds

bryan kellogg
02-24-2012, 08:35 PM
My Dr put me on new meds non addicting meds at least he said they where not they are buspar and atarax he said they work good on anxiety he also told me my testosterone level was low and said that maybe why I been having more anxiety has anybody used these meds if so let me know please and he put me on a testosterone replacement therapy if this therapy works my anxiety might get better under control

02-24-2012, 08:58 PM
Well buspar can help and atarax(an antihistamine) will counter anxietyto be sure. If your testosterone is low he might need to take several measurements. Unless you're way over 40 I'd dismiss low T. for now. To a degree that's a marketing scam(not always, of course). Having a lower T level is OK as this is a normal part of getting older(225 + level). No biggie. If you do have Low test replacement will help with anxiety. PM me any time. Alankay

02-24-2012, 09:03 PM
FYI. I have friends who's have T levels of 2. They indeed..... needed the patch and felt much better.

bryan kellogg
02-24-2012, 09:26 PM
[QUOT my testosterone level isE=alankay;40547]FYI. I have friends who's have T levels of 2. They indeed..... needed the patch and felt much better.[/QUOTE]
I am 47 my testosterone level is358 and he said that is considered moderately low he said they consider a real low 348 so he put me on hormone replacement therapy he says the lowes they have made my anxiety 1 of the symptoms of low testosterone is anxiety depression and many more thank you for replying to me so you say both those meds anahistamine will help the will be good for anxiety

02-24-2012, 10:00 PM
Mine is 400 and my doc said he would never put me on a a patch with less the 225 or so. See this is key, your sensitivity to testosterone matters. If you are sensitive to T, 350 is fine. If not you may need 800 or so and so it varies(by sensitivity). The only way to know is to know what your T was "way back when". It may have been 358! Some men do super with a T that's 358.!!!! Depends on if you're selling something or not. Get me?? Also it varies by time of day. In the AM it may be higher, PM lower just the way it is. Anyway at 348 I would not worry about that at 47. It would need to be under 225 so I think your anxiety is caused by the anxiety we all know(lifes stresses), not low T. PM me any time. Alankay

02-25-2012, 07:28 AM
Ops. Your mailbox is full but I would not be afraid at to try the atarax. Alankay