View Full Version : Don't know why I feel this way

02-24-2012, 10:03 AM
Maybe I can't cope with stress too well. I tried to combat it by doing more things to keep my mind of everything but somehow it just adds to the problem. Every day I go from feeling great to crashing and then my mood is good again so I can work hard, but when I feel low I don't want to do anything but to just escape.
I built up my social life, made a lot of new friends, but there's situations and stresses that are happening from this. Can't get my mind of some things and am having a personal conflict of if I should build up all these mini dramas but then think, no, that will not be good and when I feel low again I don't want to be with anyone. So lots of friends or none!
It's all affecting my sleep. But why I can't feel good all the time. It's a cliche but I definitely feel like I'm on some kind of rollercoaster which by the end will exhaust me.

02-25-2012, 11:09 AM
I know exactly what you mean! I found that I really had to plan out some "alone time" with myself (I swear its not sexual haha). I would usually just close my bedroom door and really focus that I was alone and just chill the hell out for an hour or something. Whenever I was super busy with work and kept going like the energizer bunny I would always CRASH! This "crash" could be anything from slipping into a depressed state followed by me eating 2 bags of chips and drinking beers to me snapping at my boss or something I like. I describe my "Crash" to be anything from anger/sadness/exhaustion. I also found eating healthy really helped my moods and exercise made me feel more content. Some people get affected by caffeine as well, so that may be a factor. I know this may be a little obvious but whenever I was having regular sex my moods were always very calm! But whatever you do DON'T fall for the Bi-polar b.s. Most depression/anxiety issues can be resolved with diet/exercise/therapy. good luck and just remember this quote "Life is a marathon, not a sprint"

02-25-2012, 12:51 PM
CRASH is a good word. That is how I described the cause of my panic disorder, when I had it, was my nervous system crashed. Various mental and physical stresses led up to it. I also blame my overbreathing at the time, which further wacked out my nervous system, from too much CO2 being released. That is why I advocate not only learning strategies, but also to rebuild the nervous system. From this perspective, anxiety is not only a behavioral and psychological problem but also a physical nervous illness. Yoga, meditation, taking the right supplements, Buteyko breathing techniques, etc., all help to actually physically heal the crashed nervous system.

02-27-2012, 02:56 AM
Thank you for your replies. I guess I've not been doing the right things to escape stress and anxiety, and doing stupid stuff has just increased my problems.

02-27-2012, 05:49 AM
Do you ever get the chance to talk about stuff that stresses you out rhubarb?

Not like a therapist, but perhaps someone close you can really talk to about stuff, or things that stress you out?