View Full Version : new disease a day

12-22-2006, 11:57 AM
ok.. so i have been sufering from anxiety probably more or less all my life... but really only realized it two years ago when family crisis'happened. Now everyday or week I think I have a new disease.. cancer.. liver failure..heart, asthma.. I could go on but not enough room.... the flu makes me crazy.. then when I do get the flu I think I have menningitis.. or something
Is there lots of people like me?? Is it because I can't deal with things or chemical imbalance or .. why? There seems to be an answer of what I have.. but no answer why. And now that I know I have GAD ... is this why I am googling every symptom and making thigs worse. If I wouldn't have ever gotten diagnosed.. would I not feel so on edge.

Sorry lot's of questions.. but I find I could ask a physcologist... but why... people on this site may not have the degree but been through it.

Let me know if anyone has any answers... curious? Thanks Merry XMAS

12-22-2006, 03:29 PM
I have exactly the same thing as you.I have had every disease possible,googled all the symptoms etc. What I have learned is that this makes it worse.Write down all your checking behaviours and reasurance seeking and then gradually stop them in a realistic way.i.e if you take your pulse or check for lumps stop doing these things in a gradual way.Once you decide to stop somthing you must stop as stoping for a week and then checking intermitantly is worse for you than checking every day.So only decide to stop somthing you are sure you can acheive. Pick the ones you think are easiest first. It is the constant checking that fuels and reinforces your fear.
I only learnt this recently and wish somepone had told me before.I have been doing it for 10 years. I used medical books before the magic internet made it easier to check. I now see illness in others not just me.A stranger who coughs has cancer etc. I know it is a nightmare.The stopping looking and checking is very difficult and I havent manged to give it all up and do somtimes relapse back to things I thought id stopped. I have been told it is a form of ocd by a psychologist.
The years of doing this have developed in to agoraphobia so it really is best to nip it in the bud. Its probably best to get help.
Hope this helps.

12-22-2006, 03:54 PM
I see what your saying and thank you fo the reply... I wish I could stop.. I saw a therapist and he said same things, but I guess like anything, unless your truly willing to quit don't bother.. I have overcome a lot where I used to be. I just have no time to get help.. being busy is my best thing I can do. The real thing is people say you can get over it... past it etc. Is it not a chemical imbalance or something.

You can't get over it then ??? right??

12-22-2006, 05:01 PM
I had it real bad about 10 years ago for 2 years or so. I did get over it about 80%. I dont know how it just seemed to subside. I was still overly concerned about differant symptoms but it didnt have ths same affect on me. Then about three years ago I got a sore throat which I was convinced was somthing sinister. I obsesed about it and went to differant doctors and generaly made it worse. Iworried for a long time untill about 18 months ago the panic and anxiety returned again only worse.
So I know it can be beaten because I have in the past. Im just not sure how I did it.
Im begining to think that to much info is a bad thing.To leave it behind you have to accept it and make it mean less to you. The more info I have the more there is to accept and there are more reminders of the condition. I know much more about it now than last time which helps in some ways but hinders in others.For all the good advice on this site its still a way of seeking reasurance , like the checking of symtoms ,reasurance perpetuates the anxiety.