View Full Version : Feeling ill for the past month and a half, help?:(

02-24-2012, 09:38 AM
Hello, im a 13 year old girl and i have been going through some symptoms, ive been feeling very ill everyday, almost through the whole month! I have had quite alot of symptoms and i did worry i had a brain tumor, but excepted it was anxiety and i still get some of the symptoms;

Nausea everyday!
Weird random shooting pains/ dull aches/ kinda unexplainable pains in my left arm, and a bit in my right, i get them in my hands and fingers to, sometimes wrists, and tops of arms througu to the elbow
Bad headaches, sometimes severe (i get them in the same place)
Very tired! And odd pains in my rib cage
Sometimes it feels like my rib cage is clogged and i get it in my collar bones, it feels like a dull ache
blurry vision and poor vision

There most of the ones im getting now, my question is: should i just hang in there? Relax and except the symptoms are there, and letbthem go away by itself?

Or should i be concerned and go back to the doctor (they told me it was anxiety) but my mum was telling them that so i couldnt say otherwise) IM SO SCARED

02-24-2012, 10:16 AM
i honestly think its just anxiety. you are building up these symptoms in your mind. your mind is so powerful that you think of these symptoms and you get them. i do it too. my legs and my head always hurt. because i think about it so much. listen to your doctor. try to do anything to relax yourself, draw, listen to music, drink chamomile tea, take a nice hot bath. anything you can think of that would relax you. lay on your bed put a warm cloth on your forehead and listen to some guided meditation... when i am over the edge with no hopes of help that will do the trick for me. i will give your more suggestions if none of these work. think to yourself "i am safe now, nothing can hurt me"


02-24-2012, 11:18 AM
literally what miss mac said think of your happy place and find your safe zone, home, bedrooms etc xx

02-26-2012, 04:37 AM
Thanks for your replies!

02-27-2012, 03:26 PM
i also need to say one thing!! my arm today has been throbbing like mad! so so so so so so painful :( i can't move it properly when this also happens..

02-28-2012, 11:37 AM
I'm a fan of getting everything checked out at the doctor first and then when everything is ok and you've been told its just anxiety, then we can focus on the anxiety.