View Full Version : panic puzzle

bryan kellogg
02-24-2012, 03:23 AM
I got the panic puzzle program has anyone here try it and if so does it work andabout sleep how bad is your sleep mine is good one night then the next day is good little to no anxiety the next night no little to no sleep I have even tried melatonin if it's not working the melatonin all natural sleep aid tryed warm milk a banana still not fall asleep and I don't think im having thoughts rolling in my mind I tried lights music I just want to sleep

05-26-2012, 08:05 PM
I got the panic puzzle program has anyone here try it and if so does it work andabout sleep how bad is your sleep mine is good one night then the next day is good little to no anxiety the next night no little to no sleep I have even tried melatonin if it's not working the melatonin all natural sleep aid tryed warm milk a banana still not fall asleep and I don't think im having thoughts rolling in my mind I tried lights music I just want to sleep

Hi, let me know how the panic puzzle works I am thinking about buying it but unsure if it is just another fake, I have trouble falling asleep if I don't take Xanax, or when I don't take it and fall asleep I wake up at 2:30 in the morning and can not go back to sleep, I am on a little over two weeks of rapid heart beat and this is all new to me and it does scare the crap out of me, there is another program called ( I think ) the linden program, and there is a lot more info on it then the panic puzzle