View Full Version : How I Overcame Anxiety, Depersonalization, Derealization, Fear, Worry, & Doubt!

02-24-2012, 12:21 AM
What's up everyone! My name is Tom. I started having issues with anxiety around January of last year. At first I had no idea what was going on. I started to feel weird, like I was in a dream, and like everyone was part of my dream. I also felt "out of body" like I was outside my body looking in, almost as though as I were watching myself as a film. I loss my appetite which resulted in weight loss. I went to doctors and even had a few ER visits : / Other than prescribing me some medication, no one had a cure. I found myself searching online, for remedies, but that only made it worse. When I tried remedies and they didn't work I began to feel hopeless. I loss sleep. I was experiencing panic attacks. I had excessive worry. I had the symptoms of ''OCD''. I would continually think negative thoughts, and I would think of the worst outcome of everyday encounters. I would always think ''what if'' this happens, ''what if'' that happens. I am here to tell you that I know longer have anxiety or any of the experiences associated when anxiety. You can be anxiety free too! I am doing a series of videos on YouTube explaining the process that freed me of anxiety. Are ready to break free from anxiety? : D If have any questions, or just want to chat, add, then message me on YouTube, add me on Skype: Tunein2TLCTV or feel free to email me (TLCTV at yahoo.com). What you are going through is only temporary. Temporary meaning it is subject to change. You can change it, if you decide to apply this process. If interested, check out Part 1 of my video series. Don't forget to check out the intro. video first! -----> www dot youtube.com/watch?v=aO3ybH0MmqM <----- Stay positive! :)