View Full Version : Awful jolts of adrenaline

02-23-2012, 11:37 PM
For the past couple of days, every time I've tried to get to sleep I've woken up within about an hour or two to an intense feeling of anxiety/dread/adrenaline that takes quite a while to calm down. It's usually coupled with a nonsensical nightmare that I believe really happened when I'm first waking up. It's making me terrified to go to sleep. I feel this dread all through my stomach and arms especially, and my heart rate shoots up for a long period of time. How can I deal with this problem??

02-23-2012, 11:46 PM
i know exactly how you feel, make some hot tea. it will calm your nerves. cold cloth on forehead or the back of your neck. its almost two a.m and im not sleeping yet. i too am scared to go to slepp most of the time because i hate that exact feeling you describe. watch a movie, do anything to calm yourself. guided meditation on youtube works good as well


02-24-2012, 12:00 AM
Greenflies - I could have wrote that post myself. This is exactly what has caused my anxiety and I now have a fear of going to sleep. This developed suddenly last week and prior to that I didn't suffer from any sleep or anxiety disorders. I had such a bad episode on Sunday night that I ended up in A&E because I honestly thought something awful was about to happen to me. Tests produced nothing and was told I had had an anxiety attack. I was given diazepam to help me relax and sleep but it's only temporary until I get my head together - I DO NOT want to be med dependent. Went to my doctor as a follow up and she told me what I had was called a mycolonic jerk (not sure of spelling) and it's perfectly normal but very frightening if it hasn't happened to you. She assured me I wasn't having a stroke or some other neurological disorder and I had to learn to relax and get back into a normal sleep pattern. I do have have to go for blood tests on Monday because sudden anxiety can be a symptom of thyroid issues so just have to see. Please feel free to PM me anytime. I know how scary that adrenaline rush and nonsensical nightmare scenario can be - wouldn't wish it on anybody. Big hugs xx

02-24-2012, 12:47 AM
Thanks for the relaxation ideas, miss_mac. And Meche, do you find that the diazepam helps you sleep without those kinds of disturbances?

02-24-2012, 01:05 AM
I can honestly tell you that since taking the meds I have not had one jolt, nightmare or adrenaline rush. It is a muscle relaxant and will knock you out. By the time I took my first dose I had been awake for over 50 hours. I've only been on it 4 days and hoping to wean myself of within the next week. My anxiety levels are lower but there is always that fear of it happening again and this makes me very nervous. I have continued to to carry-on with my daily routine which has helped enormously and it is only when I'm home and nearing bedtime that I can get myself a bit worked up. I start shaking, feel lightheaded and very sick. I literally have to engross myself in something in order for me not to think about it. I would go to your doctor and explain what is happening to you. Even if they prescribe something just to help you sleep it will make you feel less stressed until you can regulate you sleeping patterns again. xx

02-24-2012, 02:53 AM
Sounds like a panic/anxiety attack. Doc or therapist would be my first stop after examining my life stressors to see if I can find something really bothering me somewhere. Alankay