View Full Version : Look Here For Anxiety Help Just A Tip

02-23-2012, 04:27 PM
Hi there guys

as some of you know ive been suffering from anxiety for about 2.5 years and last week i had a counselling session and she taught me a technique for when im having an axiety attaack , this also works with phobias, panic attacks ect. its called EFT and it stands for Emotional Freedom Technique. this is literally just tapping parts of your body when you want to feel more relaxed, it lets you move into a state of relaxation.
Here is an image where you can see exactly where to tap if you do 20 taps in each place and repeat until your relaxed it should work but this will not work for everyone so no hate messages just trying to help because i know it helps me so i thought id share it xx


i hope this helps please reply to my post if you wanna chat, need any more info or just like the post


Aidan xx

02-24-2012, 05:22 AM
Thats a great tip! Ive heard about this before, and seen people doing it (sinitta on I'm A Celeb was constantly doing it coz Paul McKenna told her about it!). Ive never actually tried it myself, but will definitely give it a go next time i start feeling panicky etc! Thanks for the tip... :-)

02-24-2012, 11:19 AM
no problem i hope it helps :] sinitta was tapping all the time although between you and me she was hilarious :]

02-24-2012, 12:44 PM
Well i tried it out this morning actually as I had to go to the dentist! Nightmare. Did definitely help a bit though! Haha, yeah I found it soooo funny! She was totally mental... :-)

02-24-2012, 01:21 PM
she really was i love im a celeb :] im glad it helped you xxxx where in england you from ?