View Full Version : I want to kill my anxiety, need some tips

02-23-2012, 10:21 AM
I've been suffering from anxiety for 6 years ( started for real when I was 14 ) now when I'm 20 it doesn't really work with daily life to be anxious, I need a job to get money, be able to get my own groceries, meet friends and travel a little, but nothing is working the way it's supposed to work out...When my anxiety started 6 years ago I simply closed myself in a bubble of comics and roleplay to forget my own problems, it just was so much easier to play someone without my problems and forget about myself for a while without leaving my house, but when real life steps in I can't hide it, I don't want to take medications everyday, I want to get rid of it once and for all and be able to live for real, just step outside and love life instead of worrying if I'm going to get a panic attack or not...It is a thorn in my love life as well since it comes whenever I let myself get swept away in the moment...The most embarrassing time my anxiety striked was when me and my girlfriend were about to get a little physical in bed...I was so ashamed, I purely hated myself at that moment, she didn't do anything to trigger it, It was cause I relaxed and enjoyed the moment...

I just feel my world being smaller and smaller and I'm scared my girl will put an end to it all cause of my anxiety, if that happens I don't think I will ever find someone again, it's just to much of a burden for someone else, and I don't want to be a pain in the ass :(

I have thought about going to a therapist but I don't trust them, I've been there before and...They sucked so hard...They didn't understand my problems AT ALL and just twisted everything to make it sound like something else...So I guess I have to kill my anxiety myself but it's so hard...
First I have Reynards syndrome in my hands and feet which result in that I can't go outside when it's winter ( swedish winter, to cold for any human kind in my opinion lol )
and then I also have Asperger's so I have other difficulties as well ( Not that I really believe that I have it, my childhood have just been tragic enough to cause a behavior that is similar to those with asperger's, but of coarse it comes with difficulties whatever I actually am an asspie or not )

Does that "The Panic Puzzle" thing work? I would love to at least get rid of my anxiety so I could work on my asspie-behaviour and get rid of that aswell, but since it isn't as a big of a deal as my anxiety that isn't as important to me

02-23-2012, 11:01 AM
I think a great thing for you would be to start a search for a doctor you develop a rapport with. Trust is very important and although most docs are great, I've met some ......I'd just didn't trust highly. I was very lucky as my first psychiatrist was great. He was a true doctor first, last and always so I know they're out there. I now get my "maintenance" care via a GP as I've learned so much about anxiety but in your case with the other issues, you need a doc that knows his stuff AND you trust and can work with.
I feel strongly that you should give a daily med a fair trial. Try it and see if you do better. We can't always have it "out way". I myself don't like the fact that I take lexapro every morning and a benzo and beta blocker at times "as needed". I hate it sort of but accept it now. But I simply suffered enough and have found the only way for me to feel as best I can is via meds, counseling(at first) plus learning all I could to calm myself via deep breathing, progressive relaxation, reading good self-help books and having a healthy lifestyle, etc.
I hope you do try and find a good doc for yourself and start down the road of getting better via treatment. Alankay.

02-23-2012, 04:13 PM
try EFT Emotional Fingure Tapping try google it x just tapping but helps attacks x