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02-23-2012, 08:10 AM
I have been to doctors and hospital many of times with ECG scans XRAY all back normall because i found it difficult to breath i got told i may have mild asthma anyhow
for the past 3 days now i have had many tingling feelings in my left hand it's tingle and hot feeling
sometimes i feel it in my right hand to the arm sometimes in my feet, And sometimes the back of my head

And now again i get mad pains sometimse around my left side ( keep thinking its heart attack) Anyhow i just want to know is this anxiety? my doctor said it may be.. But never told me :/ ...

I just want to know is this normal? Is this due to aniexty? It's not going to be a heart attack/ Stroke??

It's just i get the burning feelings and tingling in my hands/arm most of the time and it's really scary

please reply!

02-23-2012, 08:57 AM
Hi Liamx. I know how scary that can be. I too get tingling in my feet, knees, and scalp. It often feels like a burning/prickling sensation, and sometimes my feet get really cold. I believe that my symptoms are anxiety related because they intensify when I am scared or nervous. Of course it's possible that your symptoms are also anxiety related, but I can't say for certain because I am not a doctor. I'd like to think that it's reassuring that you are noticing this in both arms. I would be more concerned if only experiencing this in my left side.

Try drinking some chamomile tea, getting regular exercise, and doing progressive muscle relaxation exercises (many on youtube). I find that this really helps for me.

02-23-2012, 09:30 AM
Liamx, likely just anxiety symptoms if you've been checked that many times. Anxiety can indeed cause various sensations, tinglings, etc. Have you gotten any treatment for anxiety per se? Alankay

02-23-2012, 02:47 PM
Hi Liamx. I know how scary that can be. I too get tingling in my feet, knees, and scalp. It often feels like a burning/prickling sensation, and sometimes my feet get really cold. I believe that my symptoms are anxiety related because they intensify when I am scared or nervous. Of course it's possible that your symptoms are also anxiety related, but I can't say for certain because I am not a doctor. I'd like to think that it's reassuring that you are noticing this in both arms. I would be more concerned if only experiencing this in my left side.

Try drinking some chamomile tea, getting regular exercise, and doing progressive muscle relaxation exercises (many on youtube). I find that this really helps for me.

Hi yes im getting an appoitment with the doctor tmoro..

The thing is i do get them in my feet both arms head but lately i've just been getting them in my left hand more than anywhere else

Is this normal?
I dont know :(

02-23-2012, 05:10 PM
i think for anxiety this is very normal but it could also be normal in other illnesses aswell im not too sure but anxiety is deffo an option, are you worried anxious or nervous about anything in your life at the moment that you wernt nevervous about before ? even the slightest thing can trigger our nervous system x

02-23-2012, 06:03 PM
i think for anxiety this is very normal but it could also be normal in other illnesses aswell im not too sure but anxiety is deffo an option, are you worried anxious or nervous about anything in your life at the moment that you wernt nevervous about before ? even the slightest thing can trigger our nervous system x

Yeah Im afraid of Dying - Because i get pains in my chest i think i may have a Heart Attack/ and now i have tingle i think its a Stoke I had ECG +X Ray but all normal but I cannot convince my self.