View Full Version : Increased pain after starting ad

02-23-2012, 05:00 AM
Hello all,

I am on day 8 of pristiq, and my mood is greatly improved, my anxiety is much better and I feel like my normal self may be coming out again!

My question is, since about day 4 of being on the meds I have noticed an increase in back pain, both in the upper and lower back areas, my anxious mind worries that the medicine, may be affecting my kidneys causing the pain, my logical mind says that it is the tension being released from my body as I am not as anxious.

Is this a normal thing? Anyone else experience this? Could the pain be from my muscles " healing " from being anxious for so long? I any input would be greatly appreciated, thank you.

02-23-2012, 07:09 AM
Chili, it should be OK but the FDA guide says "rigid" muscles should be called in to your doc(he might adjust the dose or something). Just to be safe I'd call and let him know what you're feeling and go from there. Just my advise. Glad it's helping! Alankay

02-23-2012, 08:46 AM
Thank you for the reply, it's not really what I would call rigid, just hurting, like a few days after you pull a muscle, and it starts to heal. But I will give them a call and see what they think, thanks again.

02-24-2012, 04:34 PM
Wanted to update, called the doctor and they told me to stop the Pristiq and see if the back pain goes away. They want me to call Monday and let them know if it's any better, and we'll go from there.

I hate this because the meds were working so well, and I really hope that I don't have any withdrawals with this, but we shall see how it pans out.

02-24-2012, 05:03 PM
If the dose wasn't on the high side it should be much of a problem. You weren't on it long, right? Alankay

02-24-2012, 05:55 PM
I was on the minimum of 50mg, and I've been on for 9 days

02-24-2012, 06:02 PM
Hi - not much to add really as don't know much about meds but really hope you get some answers soon. xx