View Full Version : Herbal solution to anxiety?

12-21-2006, 10:19 PM
Hey guys. I have a few questions. I’ve been doing some research(this site rocks by the way) and I decided to give 5-HTP, valerian and chamomile tea a shot. I do suffer from anxiety(I feel like im having a heart attack out of nowhere) and slight depression( I feel emotional once in a while for no reason). My question is, can these be mixed together and are there any side effects. Im currently taking St. Johns wort and I must say it does work, but only temporarily. I was prescribed lexapro(worst drug on earth stay away) and had the most terrible results after only two pills, I was also given Xanax and it was a God send, but because of its addictive nature my doc wouldn’t refill my prescription. So I decided to try the "natural" route. Please Help!!!!!

12-22-2006, 02:50 PM
I tried Purecalm and Mindsoothe for about a week with no results at all.

Ive started to take Vitamin B Complex, drink alot of water and exercise. This has seemed to work a little. The think that worked the best for me is something I read on another website. It says that anxiety attacks come consciencly and subconsciencly. In our minds we try to stop anxiety but in our subconscience we cant stop it. So write down your worries on a note pad and your subconscience will forget about them for a while. My main fear is speaking or public speaking and my voice getting shaky in front of people. My anxiety has pretty much went away unless I am in these situations. Ive tried to control it during the situations but my mind is irrational at that point. Hope this helps

01-17-2007, 09:26 PM
Ive started to take Vitamin B Complex, drink alot of water and exercise. This has seemed to work a little.

Strangely enough, when I started running 3 miles a day, I didn't have an attack for two weeks! I haven't exercised now in a few days, and I happened to have a 30-minute shortness of breath episode last night.
I didn't relate my period of being attack-free to my new exercise habit, but you may be on to something there.

01-18-2007, 03:29 AM
Apparently St. Johns Wort is good for stress relief, but excercise is the best natural treatment for anxiety. Not that I excercise, I think I'm just too lazy. :yawn:


01-18-2007, 04:01 AM
Valerian really works for me.

It's similar in it's effect to a mild diazepam. Helps me get to sleep and stay asleep and helps keep me calm in lower doses during the day.

Try to see a good herbalist who could tailer make something for you.

01-20-2007, 04:19 PM
Maybe you need to change docs' - find one that understands anxiety. There is no reason to suffer when there is relief. Xanax can be really effective - especially when attacks happen suddenly. I have taken it for 17 yrs. but still take a very low dose and usually only a couple of times a week when I need it. I have had doctors that refused to perscribe it because of it being addictive so I've found doctors who a good at treating anxiety. I mean, I figure - I am an adult, I have extreme anxiety and nothing in my life is "normal", if a pill is what can help me not end up in the hospital with a full blown attack, then a pill I will take! If your doctor does not understand this, then he/she is not the right doctor. (Plus - they can monitor your perscription by not giving you monster size bottles of the pill as well, so I think your doc may have some bias) :?

01-20-2007, 07:57 PM
CHANGE DOCTORS!!!!!! I had to switch doctors once when my insurance changed and when I went to get my script refilled he treated me like a crack head. I get a script (90 day) and keep it for almost a year, but it's just knowing it's in my purse that keeps me sane. When he said he wasn't prescribing a 26 year old female xanax I simply said, "Thank you for your time." and left him sitting there and walked out.

I'm all for herbal remedies, don't get me wrong and certainly don't want you to get addicted to xanax, but make sure (like LoMai said) that you find a doctor who understands you. Great advice LoMai!!!!

05-02-2007, 07:01 PM
I've had mild social anxiety issues for my whole life (age: 23), and I've always found exercise, particularly running, is a spectacular outlet!!!! Some people really hate running or can't physically run due to leg or knee problems. If you can start taking walks though and work into an occasionaly jog, eventually most people can end up jogging/running a few miles.

If I run in the afternoon, I'll be relaxed for the rest of the day every time.

05-03-2007, 07:54 AM
Yea running. But I take St. John's Wort for my depression as well as anxiety. It is working, either that or I'm getting a bit better in myself. I've also been walking a bit and eating fruit and veg everyday.

05-03-2007, 12:10 PM
Here's one I'll bet not many people know about:


Yes, lettuce is a natural anxiety reducer. For me, it works very nicely; leaf lettuce is the variety I'd recommend. It seems to work best.

05-03-2007, 04:46 PM
I agree...if the doctor won't give you what you need to feel better, he's not doing his job! Herbs are simply not an answer to a serious anxiety problem...they may help a few people, but mostly, they don't do a damn thing. (even placebos "cure" people) There's a reason all these prescription medications exist - if everybody could take a few herbs and feel better we wouldn't have pharmacies! I've tried every herb there is in an attempt to avoid the doctor, and it just plain doesn't work.

06-08-2007, 03:52 PM
Valerian is one of the best natural herbs i've found to calm me. The problem I have with valerian is that I get really weird dreams at night with it which can be stressfull! It obviously does something to my brain to affect my dreams so strongly.

Go for exercise, especially any type of cardio workout. Much more powerful than any herbal remedy. Try it!

06-13-2007, 09:00 AM
Hey guys. I have a few questions. I’ve been doing some research(this site rocks by the way) and I decided to give 5-HTP, valerian and chamomile tea a shot. I do suffer from anxiety(I feel like im having a heart attack out of nowhere) and slight depression( I feel emotional once in a while for no reason). My question is, can these be mixed together and are there any side effects. Im currently taking St. Johns wort and I must say it does work, but only temporarily. I was prescribed lexapro(worst drug on earth stay away) and had the most terrible results after only two pills, I was also given Xanax and it was a God send, but because of its addictive nature my doc wouldn’t refill my prescription. So I decided to try the "natural" route. Please Help!!!!!

Hi Mike,

I use to have anxiety to, but I never and will never take medication for they only gave me stomach upset and that being dependent to medications is not good...Why not look for a natural alternative for it...They are mostly available in some markets right now and that they are effective...Just be careful for some people that sell fake ones.

06-25-2007, 07:24 AM
I was prescribed lexapro(worst drug on earth stay away) and had the most terrible results after only two pills, I was also given Xanax and it was a God send, but because of its addictive nature my doc wouldn’t refill my prescription. So I decided to try the "natural" route. Please Help!!!!!

What I find so stupid about this is that doctors are reluctant to prescribe benodiazepines because of their potential to cause dependency. But at the same time, they freely prescribe SSRIs to the point that they are quite forceful about getting you on them. Yet some of the WORST withdrawal that ANYONE is likely to go through (both in terms of duration AND intensity) is from SSRIs. Also, doctors seem to have NO problems prescribing SSRIs for years on end, even though it has NEVER been shown that it is safe to use these drugs for that kind of duration.

06-26-2007, 02:28 AM
I know that exercise can really reduce anxiety symptoms, but often I find it difficult to do exercise when I know people will be around. I think it's part of my social anxiety...always feeling watched and judged...

06-27-2007, 03:16 AM
I know what you mean. I hate running into people I know when I am at the gym or out doing my thing. It kind of throws me off somehow. Perhaps part of it, for me, has to do with the fact that I tend to act happy and upbeat and social when I'm with people but inside I suffer from an extreme case of major depression. I have a lot of anxiety too, don't get me wrong (hence why I'm here :lol: )

Some types of exercise you can do at home without worrying about other people seeing you. Sometimes stretching, yoga poses, exercise dvds, jump rope and jumping jacks can be done effectively at home and still get your heart rate up... you know what else is fun? Those big huge exercise balls where you can sit on them and do sit ups. When I do those I feel like a little kid just having fun, not a young adult forcing herself to work out

Hope this helps and I hope everyone has a better day today!

06-27-2007, 09:01 AM
I know that exercise can really reduce anxiety symptoms, but often I find it difficult to do exercise when I know people will be around. I think it's part of my social anxiety...always feeling watched and judged...

Hi Chelsea,

I know its hard to have an Anxiety with you....I have experienced that already...And thank God, I have overcome it...I hope that you will be ok, and that you will find a way to overcome your Anxiety problem.

Take care always Chelsea and God Bless.

07-04-2007, 01:06 PM
I'm not a big fan of "natural" cures. It could just be me, but I've tried all types of herbal products not only for anxiety but for other ailments... they never do a thing.
It's a neat idea but a lot of these holistic/naturalistic (not sure what to call them) are just based on pseudo-science with no true, controlled experiments backing them up.

I'm sure some of the herbs to have the claimed properties, but at least for me, they are just too weak to even be felt.

07-11-2007, 11:41 AM
Vitamin B-1 lowers lactic acid levels and that is most likely the cause of your anxiety. Do the research on the connection between anxiety and lactic acid and you'll see why. I am now anxiety free after 30 years of suffering. Also, try Relora, or some kind of magnolia bark extract. It will take care of stress and greatly reduce your cortisol levels.

Natural or herbal remedies haven't worked because you haven't tried the right ones.