View Full Version : Feel dizzy when I keep my head still...

02-22-2012, 12:43 PM
Hi guys,
I'd really appreciate it if anyone could let me know whether this is likely to be anxiety or maybe something else?
Basically, for the last 2 months approx, ive had this horrible feeling in my head... it feels like its too heavy and like i cant keep it upright without physically resting it on my hand or a surface! Every time i try to just sit and watch tv or something with my head unsupported i get this overwhelming feeling of kinda dizziness. Its horrible and i've really had enough of it now! If im active or busy (even if im sat using the computer or something) then i dont really notice it, sometimes i do but rarely. But the minute i stop doing whatever it is i was doing, the feeling is there! I also feel really wobbly and go shaky and my legs go weak and i feel dizzy etc when i leave the house and attempt to do anything, i.e. go into town or socialise with family etc. I went to the doc about it about 6 weeks ago and he tested a few things (looked in my ears, took BP, listened to heart etc) and said he couldnt find any cause for it, but i didnt explain it very well and i only said i was feeling dizzy. Am worried he didnt take it seriously because i didnt explain the problem properly! Also, i have these hot flushes and sometimes go really red in the face for no reason! Its all getting really annoying now and i just dont know what to do about it... Sorry, ive rambled on a bit like a crazy person!
Anyway, any advice would be MUCH appreciated!

02-22-2012, 12:47 PM
hi suzzy i feel the same sometimes my legs go very shakey when i go up or downstairs is this also a problem for you ? i hope i can help you xx

02-22-2012, 12:49 PM
I usually feel the same way as you do, after visiting the doctor. I get home and think about that things that I forgot to tell the doctor, and then start wondering how they could possibly make a proper diagnosis without having all of the information. So lately, I would write down a few points on a piece of paper, reminding myself what I want to tell the doctor. Just take the paper out at your appointment and let the doctor know you made some notes to make sure nothing was left out.

As far as all of your physical symptoms...try going swimming a few times a week and do progressive muscle relaxation in the evening before bed. There are many good videos for this on youtube. Try it out for a week or two, and enjoy the positive change! You have nothing to lose.

02-22-2012, 01:03 PM
Thanks everyone for taking the time to reply!
Costaboy - Yeah I have had that, not necessarily from going down stairs but just if im out and about my legs will go really shaky and weak and i feel like i can hardly walk and might fall over! I'm in the UK too, nice to talk to another! :-)
Scared&Worried - Thats a great idea, next time i'll definitely write some things down before i go! I do it every time and wish i'd remembered to say certain things... so frustrating! Will check out the muscle relaxation clips too.
Forwells - Yeah, that makes a lot of sense now that you say it! Maybe it is just that all the stress has been 'gathering' in my neck and the muscles need a bit of TLC! Good excuse for a massage. :-) And i keep thinking maybe it has to do with my ears, but as the doc looked in them and said he couldnt see anything i decided it couldnt be that.... Will do as everyone has suggested and fingers crossed it gets better!
Thanks again!

02-22-2012, 01:32 PM
just gimmie a shout if you wanna chat seen as though were in the same timezone !!!! xx

02-23-2012, 01:49 AM
Yeah, same goes for you! The time zone can be a bit of a problem sometimes... :-) x