View Full Version : Does anyone else have these things happen to them?

02-21-2012, 10:45 PM
I don't know for sure if I have anxiety, everyone tells me I'm crazy or anxious. Well it's hard for me to see it as that, I see what is going on as a health problem and that I'm normal, not anxious. I had dizziness from an antibiotic the other day and it got real bad, then I panicked since it was severe and then I was told my eyes were dialated, which made me worry even more. Then all of a sudden faces looked far away and sounds turned off as if I was moving further away from the world and responses from people seems like real slow motion. I felt I was going to faint but tried to fight it since that would scare me even more. I felt no control and my legs became shaky. I figured the dizziness must be causing it and all I could think of was doom, death, not making it, so I wanted to get to the ER. Any health problem will get me to where I think oh no its the end. Maybe hypochondriac? I don't know. Does anyone else get these sounds off and where they feel out of the world and things in slow motion when they get anxiety? Does it sound like anxiety?

02-22-2012, 01:40 AM
Derealization(http://panicdisorder.about.com/od/symptoms/a/DeperDereal.htm) can happen with anxiety and anxiety can be caused by a health scare. A health scare can also just provoke anxiety in a person prone to it(like me and millions others)!!:) Alankay

02-22-2012, 03:45 AM
you are not crazy and you are not alone xx