View Full Version : Help please! Anxiety trigger: being away from significant other!!

02-21-2012, 11:23 AM
Hey guys:

So as I have been confronting my anxiety I have noticed that a significant trigger to this anxiety is being away from my fiance. We have been together for years and he is my best friend. Last night, I went to a friends house for a get together and we were all going to stay the night there. I knew from prior experience that it would be difficult for me to sleep without Ted, but I convinced myself that I would be with people who cared about me and it would be fine. After 2 of the girls decided to go home for unexpected reasons (leaving 2 others) I started to get anxious. I would be sleeping in a room by myself in a strange place, when I had planned on being in the same room with other people. I have always been afraid of sleeping alone.. since I was a child.. and after sleeping with Ted every night for the past 3 years this fear has worsened considerably.

I ended up leaving the get together around 2am and came home to my own bed and Ted. I felt so ashamed telling the host (who was already a little disgruntled at the departure of the other 2 girls), that I just am not comfortable sleeping anywhere but my own bed. I felt like an idiot and a child. I was also afraid that after lights out I might have an embarassing panic attack.

In the next few months Ted and I will be separated for a couple weeks at a time, and I am afraid that I am going to have a nervous breakdown when this happens. I will be so anxious and unable to sleep. What can I do to prepare myself and combat these feelings of anxiety from being away from him? I guess I worry that something bad will happen to one of us when we are away from eachother, and these feelings are exaggerated at night when I am alone/scared and overthinking. Any advice would be so appreciated.


02-21-2012, 11:36 AM
I have the same thing, except its worse because the girl I love doesn't love me back.

02-21-2012, 12:08 PM
My friend told me him and his wife are going to go to this Codependency Support Group. Maybe you can look into something like that.

02-21-2012, 04:22 PM
the only way i can relate to this is that when my fiance goes on her work trips i always have really bad anxiety attacks until i found a way to unwind and not worry about anything i can watch a relly funny fillm, read or play a game anything to let your body know your happy and having a good time even come on this forum and message me and ill chat to you to get you through this difficult time x

02-21-2012, 04:26 PM
I's start by seeing my doc for starting treatment for anxiety. Alankay