View Full Version : I always think i am having a heart attack or stroke

02-21-2012, 09:08 AM
Tonight for instance i am having gum pain and neck pain and i am thinkin i may be going to have a heart attack i always suffer from palpitations and have been to differant doctors heaps about them but they say that some people just get them how can i beat this i never get sleep and i have checked the symptoms page for anxiety and i tick 99 percent of them please help me!

02-21-2012, 10:30 AM
ok first off stay away from webMD or anything that allows you to check symptoms of any illness. most of the time the symptoms your having is caused because your thinking about it and your mind is so powerful and litterally can give you the symptoms of illnesses that you are so worried and concerned about. i guess i should take my own advise. im not allowed to read side affects of any medicine because i legit give myself the symptoms. im sure you are not having stroke or heart attack. if you need to talk feel free to pm me


02-21-2012, 10:39 AM
If you have been to multiple doctors and done all the tests extensively and all the doctors told you that you are not having a stroke or heart attack, then could you look at palpitations as something other than stroke or heart attack?