View Full Version : will life ever be the same again

02-21-2012, 07:05 AM
i carnt remeber life before anxiety im taking tablets but cart see my self getting any better, just need advice really xx

02-21-2012, 07:16 AM
Yes. Time heals everything. Always.

02-21-2012, 09:51 AM
2 months ago I was a victim of panic-anxiety, it all came just over the night after watching a movie that triggered random scary thoughts. What I've learned is that anxiety can not hurt you, nothing you are anxious about will happen, as time passes by you will get more and more confident. I am taking tablets that work against anxiety but as you said they do not give me 100% proof. The best thing is to just let yourself know when you are anxious, give yourself some time to really think about what you are anxious about and try to calm yourself down. It is just anxiety, do not dwell on it too much, just do not care (I know it is hard but you will learn to), because it can not harm you. Think of it as a cold, it comes, stays a while, while it stays you just want to get rid of it but it seems impossible, then it leaves and you do not even notice. Things in life work like a rollercoaster, sometimes its bad, but it always gets better mate!

02-21-2012, 10:17 AM
Let me give you words of encouragement. My anxiety was so bad, for so long, I actually went to my doctor, to get him to recommend me to the psych ward. That's insane right, I wanted to be locked away! I just thought thats it, I'm broken. Theres no way this will evert fix. It's just too bad. Too much is wrong here. Let them send me to a home so they can drug me up, and let me watch tv all day.

I did not believe there was a 0.05% chance it would go. My brain felt fried, like it had gone through a complete and utter mental meltdown.

That was 18 months ago... Already I don't recognize that time. Already I've come such a long way from there.

Anxiety does some NASTY things.. One of the worst (and the same with depression) is they make you forget what normal felt like. You can't see any light. Just keep on going. Part of the illness is it stops you believing you'll recover, that is anxiety, not you! Keep positive in the little ways. Keep hanging in.

What meds did they put you on? Fluoxetine?

02-21-2012, 10:23 AM
I can barely remember what a panic attack feels like. The thought of it doesn't cause me any emotions at all. You can get there too. It all seems like a weird time in my life, but I don't care about it anymore. Just whatever. It's kind of like a bad break up. You are so depressed and you can't imagine ever being without that person or even that person with someone else. It's so unbelievably painful, then once your over it, you don't even really remember that time so much. Yeah that was a bad break up, but no emotion attached to it. Your life isn't the same as before, but you have moved on and moved through it. You have gone to the next stage of your life. Then you bump into your ex one day and you say hi and it's like no big deal. But when you were deep in the break up time, you couldn't see out of it. You may get anxious once in a while but the disorder can totally be behind you.

02-21-2012, 02:47 PM
thanks guys for all the support sooo amazing and interesting to hear peoples oppinions and techniques.
im off uni at the minute because i had a big anxiety attack last night it wasnt good i felt sick to the bone.

and im actually taking a drug called sertraline i was on 50mg but went up to 100mg this morning as recommended by my doctor and others on this site.

02-21-2012, 02:50 PM
i need some help myself right now :depressed:

02-21-2012, 02:51 PM
man you dontt have to overdo the drugs just give it time... it takes about 2-3 months before AD's make you feel good.

02-21-2012, 03:57 PM
ive been taking 50mg for three years now :[ just put em up this morning and its taking its toll it wasnt just a split decision ive though about it for about a year and a half x

02-21-2012, 03:58 PM
btw miss_mac666 whats wrong xx anything i can help you with if you wanna talk x

02-21-2012, 04:11 PM
ive been taking 50mg for three years now :[ just put em up this morning and its taking its toll it wasnt just a split decision ive though about it for about a year and a half x

Did they offer you any therapy to go with it? For depression, drugs are more effective, but with anxiety, they're just kind of a band aid that holds you together for the time being.

Have you made many changes to your life? I can honestly say, I'm a completely transformed person to before the breakdown. You asked do things ever return to normal, I think they don't. Which is good. Normal stopped working. Or maybe never really did, it was just all we knew. You just grow so much. You mature so much as a person too. I'm still young, and yet I talk to people twice - three times my age and think, wow, this person really has a narrow view of life. The goal is never to change for the sake of it, because you feel you need to, you just learn so much about yourself, and others. Your attitude, and point of view changes. I think it sounds a little poetic, but you don't cure anxiety, you have to grow out of it. As panic put, you move to a new stage. You learn things, and every period that goes by, you think, Wow, I'm really different to even 3 months ago! It's an interesting journey. It sounds scary huh, changing, but it's not dramatic. Just little alterations here and there. Suddenly, like a piece of art, you begin to see it come together, and you go "Ahhhh!", sort of like what the Buddhists call enlightenment.

Keep venting, keep expressing, keep allowing calm things to come into your mind and your life. Little by little you go a long way.

Things come across a little formal online, it makes everything sound like a bit of a test , or we're preaching or something haha!! We're all just trying to get a better picture of people :)

02-21-2012, 04:57 PM
thanks jessed03 that did really make me feel alot better i guess normal didnt ever work for me xx