View Full Version : Digestive troubles

02-20-2012, 08:13 PM
I've been having a lot of anxiety over the past couple of weeks, after a long period of basically being fine. During a really terrible panic attack about four days ago I ended up in the emergency room. Of course there wasn't much they could do for me. I started taking Paxil again (I had been off it for about 10 months), but in the meantime I'm dealing with the worst anxiety symptoms I've ever had to endure. The main problem is intense nausea keeping me from eating, ontop of anxiety keeping me from sleeping much. The nausea has been my major concern because I've hardly eaten in the past four days. Every time I try to eat or even drink some water I'm overcome with nausea, stomach pain and anxiety. Anyone have some advice for dealing with these symptoms? I feel weaker and worse off every day.

02-21-2012, 05:41 PM
i went around 4 months just taking complan this is a milkshake that gives you all of the calories and vitamins you need to carry on this might help you so you dont have to eat. i also have to tell you that you wont vomit ive been afraid of vomitting for about 2 years with anxiety nausea and im fine but the brain is a powerful thing
im here for you though any time you wanna chat please just message me x

02-21-2012, 05:52 PM
Green, in time the paxil should reduce the anxiety which is the cause of the stomach issues as the nervous system(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enteric_nervous_system) that runs the digestive tract is connected to(and effected by) your CNS(Central Nervous System) which is super excited during high anxiety states. Costaboy has a great suggestion in the meantime. Alankay.

02-23-2012, 02:38 PM
Happens to me all the time when I get anxious and I drink stuff instead, like blueberry juice, water, yogurt, and other liquid stuff, and I might take a nibble from a carrot just to have something a little more foodish likely in my tummy